Mexico’s Vampire Woman Arrives in Costa Rica

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    It is with great joy that I [url=]read in La Nacion[/url] this morning of the arrival in Costa Rica of Mexican Attorney María José Cristerna (????) AKA the “Vampire Woman” who is here in San José for a tattoo convention.

    This short video shot last year will give you a clear idea of what she has done to herself and you might to leave any small children out of the room when you watch this:

    Can you believe she’s an attorney…?

    Which reminds me:

    Q: What’s the difference between a lawyer and a vampire?

    A: A vampire only sucks blood at night.

    If any of our VIP Members going to this convention, please do email me the photos….



    Okay, I gotta ask . . . Does anyone know anything about the licensure of tattoo “artists” in Costa Rica and, in particular, the sanitation standards, if any?


    I had somewhat “inappropriate” tattoo done when I was in the Royal Marine Commandos 30++ years ago – long story – and had it covered up here in San José about five years ago and, I can’t speak for all tattoo artists here but if anything, it was way cleaner that any of the tattoo shops I remember visiting in the U.K. (I used to love motorcycles…)

    I do know that they must register their ink here so I’m assuming that they are fairly strict…

    On the [url=]Ministerio de Salud[/url] website you’ll find:

    1. [url=]Formulario para la solicitud del registro de tintas para tatuajes[/url]

    2. [url=]Guía de instrucción para la presentación del expediente para el registro de tintas para tatuajes.[/url]

    3. [url=]Reglamento para el Funcionamiento de Establecimientos Centros de Tatuajes y Perforaciones Corporales.[/url]

    Are you thinking of starting up a new tattoo business in Grecia David? You might meet some “interesting” people…



    Are you thinking of starting up a new tattoo business in Grecia David? You might meet some “interesting” people…

    Most assuredly NOT, Scott. And please don’t start any rumors that might find their way back to my [i]esposa[/i].


    @ 2bncr

    considering that this lady is a latin woman, I think American women are not THAT bad 😆


    Can you imagine her in the courtroom? “I OBJECT! Overrule me and the forces of darkness will destroy you!”


    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]Can you imagine her in the courtroom? “I OBJECT! Overrule me and the forces of darkness will destroy you!”[/quote]

    In a past life, was a deputy sheriff and first 13-14 months on job, was assigned to the court house..met many interesting people in the system, none like this!!

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