Moving to Costa Rica with wife & two children

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    My wife and I are considering relocating to CR. I am 56 yr and have 2 kids 8 and 6. Please advise the best steps to take to become educated on the move, legal requirements, money needed and sources of ethical guidance to help with this. I am self employed and not retired–do business via the internet and phone and make app. $10,000 per month. We live in a mountain resort area now and love the rural lifstyle. Any tips on where may be the best area to make our base while exploring and considering longer term plans. Thank you in advance


    I am curious as to what business you do over the internet. My husband and I are looking into moving down in about 4 years…he will be retired military with a pension but I would like to find something to have added funds coming in. Have 6 yr old to support.
    As to your questions I am not qualified to answer but I am sure others will. Good luck.


    Thanks for the response—-I deal in the sports nutrition and recovery business and introduce folks to our producrt and business all online. I do not want to violate the rules of this forum as my primary interest is our relocation–I guess you could email me and I can send you info-if this creates any prob for the forum please someone let me know.

    Yup, above it states quite clearly, “Remember that ‘commercial posts’ where someone is obviously trying to promote or sell something, are not allowed. . . “

    Edited on Aug 23, 2009 13:00


    Set “Display Settings” (above right, under the words CONTROL PANEL to “Headings Only” and read everything of interest. If you have a question about some topic that’s already been discussed, enter your question there.


    Thankyou for your reply—-


    Being located in an area with excellent internet will be a ‘must’ for you ‘coachblaine’ and with two young children, unless you are home-schooling then good schools with be important no?

    Thankfully better internet access is becoming more widely available.

    You can see Costa Rica Private Schools – Central Valley at [ ]

    Getting the right residency status will be a bit more complicated unless you’re happy to live here as a “tourist” and leave the country every 90 days to renew your “tourist” visa. Thousands of people do this but it’s not something I would want to do personally with a family…

    Since our immigration laws have just changed I would recommend that you speak with a specialist attorney to see where you might fit in … You can contact attorney Roger Petersen who wrote The Legal Guide To Costa Rica at

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Thankyou for your input. Brook does home school and will continue, the internet will be an important consideration and I would assume with good internet will come voip phone service, yes? Safety for the family is also key. I will be open in this planning stage to traveling down and renting for 3-6 month as a tourist and be certain we are comfortable with a more permanent relocate and then apply for a more permanent status. Your thoughts and again thankyou in advance. I will also contact Mr Peterson

    Blaine Williams
    Soon to be CR Expatriate

    Doug Ward

    VOIP doesn’t cut it here.
    Skype is about as close as you get but even that is an ” issue’ at ICE. They wish it wasn’t there and will probably try to get rid of it or, at least, get a piece of the action. I suspect they may do a VOIP but that could take forever.Probably will.
    I bought my place under the premise of high speed…if you call 128 high speed and couldn’t get it at all.
    Finally I have 2 MB DSL after 3 1/2 years of trying.
    Make sure and actually follow the advice of renting for a time…like a year before you even think of buying anything…other than a cheap car.

    I’ve seen 4 families pack up and head back up “there” in the last year.

    If you like rural living check areas like Ojochal, Turrialba, San Carlos, Fortuna and some of those places for high speed service or DSL. Maybe San Isidro del General too.
    Those all all fairly populated areas where you can get pretty much anything and may have good internet due to their population.


    Thank you Doug and no doubt it will be rent first explore extensivily and get to know the people and the country prior to long term plans. Do you have any tips on having 2 necessary things for me—phone service to at least the domestic US and reasonably high speed internet?


    Reasonably high speed Internet access (much faster than 128kps) is becoming more and more common with the proliferation of wireless systems. They require much less infrastructure and are much less constrained by distance than any hardwired system. The downside is that they require a line of sight. I know a number of folks who are intensive users of Skype over the available Internet access systems and who are perfectly pleased with the service.

    Getting a local landline telephone here, however, is always a crap shoot. You can never be certain that ICE will actually install service for you even if they take your order in the local office and give you the placard to put in your window.

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