Moving to CR

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    [b]Loraine[/b], in all fairness, you cannot understand the [b]arenalgrumblers[/b] complaints and concerns until you have actually [i]walked in his potholes…[/i]…or actually resided in Costa Rica, and dealt with the day to day bureaucracy that [i]you will have to deal with[/i].
    When he was posting, just like you are, prior to moving here, he was the most optimistic person who would praise the social medical system, give praise where it was due and then after making the move, everything changed.
    He is bilingual, dealt personally with immigration without a lawyer, and understood more than most of us of what was really going on around him and in his community, but after they physically moved here, he came face to face with things they couldn’t and wouldn’t accept.


    [quote=”costaricafinca”][b]Loraine[/b], in all fairness, you cannot understand the [b]arenalgrumblers[/b] complaints and concerns until you have actually [i]walked in his potholes…[/i]…or actually resided in Costa Rica, and dealt with the day to day bureaucracy that [i]you will have to deal with[/i].[/quote]

    It’s true I have not walked a mile in his potholes but what I noticed is that Mr. Grumbles grumbles about mostly everything. Some people see the glass have empty, some half full and some don’t see the glass at all. Life is not perfect, certainly not in CR, but wouldn’t life be easier if we try to find the good in it rather than the bad? It’s too easy to get wrapped up in the negative. I remember meeting several couples in Dominical a few years back and asked them what they did to keep busy–their answer, most things are a challenge here and it could take a week to accomplish something that could be done in a short time at home. It is what it is, right? I apologize for monopolizing this topic and veering off course–I’m brand new to the site and it’s fun.


    Psychosis: a loss of contact with reality, usually including false beliefs about what is taking place or who one is (delusions)…..know thyself.

    Type A personalities must suffer horribly in Costa Rica.


    [quote=”maravilla”]mr grumbles has complaining down to a science and i find it almost amusing that after ten years of research that the spot he thought he had chosen so well turned out to be not such a good choice — for him, anyway. i think you get rain all year up there, don’t you?? some of my other gardening friends in that area complain bitterly about how hard it is to keep a garden growing. but hey, if you like it, that’s all that matters, and like you nothing could be as bad as getting 11 feet of snow in 5 days, which we did in 2004. that was it for me. i can handle almost anything after that![/quote]

    Oh no, I have never witnessed that much at once. However, an hour north of us, they have gotten that kind of snow over a few days. I can deal with some rain and 80 degrees rather than rain and 35 degrees. Are you in CR all year? I’m so pathetic that I’ve already bought plant/animal books on tropicals of CR.


    [quote=”sprite”]Psychosis: a loss of contact with reality, usually including false beliefs about what is taking place or who one is (delusions)…..know thyself.

    Type A personalities must suffer horribly in Costa Rica.

    Thank you for the warm welcome to this site. Just call me psychotic Loraine.



    yes, 11 feetof snow is daunting and crippling. but i would check your annual rainfall in the area you plan to move. i had to report to someone about rainfall not far from where you are and it was 13 feet a year! 13 feet of RAIN!! where i live i only get 80 inches of rain, at the most, and let me tell you by the time December rolls around i have had it with everything being wet, or damp, or moldy. and there are areas near you where it rains all year — at least where i am we get a respite for a few months.


    Our friends live there too, and while the views are lovely, the ‘moist’ climate would be too much for me. It does keep the grass green…and the ferns growing.


    [quote=”loraine”][quote=”sprite”]Psychosis: a loss of contact with reality, usually including false beliefs about what is taking place or who one is (delusions)…..know thyself.

    Type A personalities must suffer horribly in Costa Rica.

    Thank you for the warm welcome to this site. Just call me psychotic Loraine.


    My comment refers to those people who find they cannot cope with a new situation which they have chosen for themselves.
    Many believe they would like to live at the beach, for example, without considering how life is with constant heat and humidity. Living in a place is not the same as vacationing there.



    hey, guess at times AI am a little pschotic too :lol::D

    it makes life more interesting!! :lol::D

    and far from dull….

    That said, would be nice to live NEAR a beach, but say, more in mountains too, which CR seems to have those options as well…..I dont mind heat, AC would be a requirement in at least bedroom and LR.
    humidity, fair enough, that is rough at times….then again, I live in a state that gets over 100 and humid for months…NC in mid July, often in 90’s at night….when going to bed…..:shock:
    Try to stay 8) on your visit and move……

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