My Apologies for El Residente article

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    Dear Folks:

    I want to apologize for the terrible article, La Nigüenta, that appears under my name in this month’s issue of El Residente. Parts of it look like they were written by an 8th grader enjoying his first beer. This is not my writing!

    Somewhere in the publication process somebody took the unauthorized step of changing all sorts of things around, and not for the better. They changed my wording, sentence structure and even the subtitle (Costa Rican to Costarrican – not even an English word!). Sentences were moved around haphazardly for no discernible reason. Punctuation was changed to render some things nonsensical (“chigoe fleas” are parasites, “chigoe; fleas” makes no sense in any context). The list goes on.

    I will try to post a coherent version on this website as soon as possible.


    Jack Donnelly



    Our VIP Members are welcome to send in their articles to

    Please only email me articles ( in .txt or .rtf format and NEVER in .doc or .docx which has a monumental amount of hidden code embedded in it which is a nightmare to get rid of and use on a website…

    I do reserve the right to make minor edits but since I do not consider myself a writer but a professional “scribbler”, those edits tend to be fairly minor.

    Best wishes



    Let me make sure I have this straight. You want me to give you money (VIP Membership) for the privilege of giving you my work at no cost? Gee, I’ll need to crunch the numbers on that deal.

    In response to replies on another forum, I am asking ARCR to post a clean version on their website. I will also look to publish this article through some other outlet in the near future.

    FYI – Nigüentas make great gifts for your Costa Rican friends. The trick is to find an attractive model. There are some truly ugly examples out there. The central market in San José has a good selection.


    Thanks for your totally schizophrenic reply Jackdiv and yeah! Let’s make sure you have this straight!

    You stated in this Discussion Forum that: “I will try to post a coherent version on this website as soon as possible.”

    I replied politely giving you a tip on how to submit your article and you then write back complaining about me wanting your money?

    I don’t want your money…

    Basic VIP membership is free – and always has been – and in case you memory as well as your manners are failing you, you have never paid me a dime, have you never bought anything from this site since you joined on 7th July 2010 so I have no idea why you think you have to pay me now.

    Have a nice day!

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