New Airport in Orotina

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    Have you guys seen this?

    Is this legitinate?

    I ask because it smells like bullshit to me, I mean look at this.

    1. “Previously slated to begin construction in 2025, the new international airport at Orotina, Alajuela is seven years ahead of schedule”

    2. “this new international airport is anticipated to spark a second real estate boom in the next decade.”

    3. “…industry experts in Costa Rica real estate are predicting the new Orotina International Airport to be a major catalyst in the next Costa Rica real estate development and continuing tourism boom.”

    4. “The concept is to construct a Central American Mega Worldport ”

    5. “The Orotina International Airport will double in size in comparison to Juan Santamaria. It will have two runways and a super terminal to accommodate larger airliners including the Airbus A-380s, A-350s and Boeing’s 747-800s, 777s and the 787s Dreamliners.”

    I ask because you have articles on your site that suggest that this is not going to be built?

    My little brother is telling me he wants to buy land in the area as he thinks the value will increase and he will make a ton of money but I am not convinced.

    Please let me know what you think.



    Smells like bullshit to me too but I’ll try and find out more…



    It’s one of those websites with not a single human being listed …

    No names… No ‘About Us’ page… Nothing…


    Now I think about it, I’ll have to check why my filter didn’t filter that out …

    I know it is programmed to filter our really bad words like ‘sweikert’ and similar stuff 😀 but will double-check…



    Ach! Come on man! That was obviously a light-hearted comment with a big smiley face on it …


    I have just sent the following email to them:

    Hi, my name is Scott Oliver at and I am writing another article about the “new international airport at Orotina” and would like to ask you where you got your information from that you have on your website here.

    I would be very grateful if you would share your sources, preferably reputable sources in Costa Rica like the aviation authority, La Nacion or El Financiero that would confirm this data as it would be very helpful to me.

    1. Who said the airport was “previously slated to begin construction in 2025?”

    2. Where can I find confirmation that “construction on the new Costa Rica airport to begin in 2018?”

    3. Which “industry experts in Costa Rica real estate” exactly are “predicting the new Orotina International Airport to be a major catalyst in the next Costa Rica real estate development and continuing tourism boom?”

    4. What data exactly are you using to come to the conclusion that: “The tourism boom is spilling over into the Costa Rica real estate market at an exponential rate?”

    5. Can you show me any reputable source that would confirm that: “The concept is to construct a Central American Mega Worldport that would connect “the heart” of Latin America with the U.S., Canada, Europe and Asia?”

    6. Can you show me any reputable source that would confirm that: “The Orotina International Airport will double in size in comparison to Juan Santamaria. It will have two runways and a super terminal to accommodate larger airliners including the Airbus A-380s, A-350s and Boeing’s 747-800s, 777s and the 787s Dreamliners?”

    7. Lastly, your company appears to have a few different related websites including:

    … yet there is not a single person listed on any of them, no Realtors, no presidents, no Vice-Presidents, no ‘About Us’ page, would you please tell me where can I find out more information about your company and who is involved?

    I look forward to hearing from you …


    [quote=”Scott”]I have just sent the following email to them:
    I look forward to hearing from you …


    What do you suppose is the over/under on a bet you will get a prompt response?


    Funny enough, there is an editorial in today’s La Nacion newspaper by Luis Carlos Araya Mongre the Ex-Deputy and ex-Vice Minister about the new airport:

    [url=]El nuevo aeropuerto metropolitano y el futuro del Juan Santamaría[/url]

    In the article he refers to the best weather conditions for planes taking off and landing and he does refer to Orotina (I don’t know if he owns land there) however, I would like to remind our readers again that they have been talking about a “new international airport” in various locations since the late 1970s and in all of these discussions NOBODY has yet to explain where the $100+ million dollars will come from to build this…

    I honestly don’t this is going to happen for a very long time ….

    You might also want to read my article – written nearly 9 years ago – entitled:

    [url=]Costa Rica’s New International Airport to be Built in the Sierpe Valley – Maybe…[/url]

    And …

    [url=]Costa Rica’s Invisible New International Airport (??)[/url]

    [url=]Costa Rica’s “New International Airport” – Real estate company uses our heavily edited article without permission.[/url]

    [url=]Costa Rica’s New Airport to be Built in Palmar Sur – Budget for technical study only confirmed.[/url]

    In another ‘infrastructure’ related article in La Nacion there’s one sentence [url=]about the highway to San Carlos[/url] that’s also important for us to read:

    Original version in Spanish: “La carretera a San Carlos se concibió en 1969 y la conclusión está prevista para junio del 2016 (47 años), destaca el informe.”

    English: “The road to San Carlos was conceived in 1969 and completion is scheduled for June 2016 (47 years), the report said.”


    Where is Costa Rica going to get the money when it can’t even come up with the moolah to paint the demarcation lines on the highways? I would think that before they build another airport to bring in more tourism, they should prioritize with the completion of the Moin port facilities and the 4 lane highway to Port Limon.


    Good point but at today’s prices $56,000,000 doesn’t come close to acquiring the land necessary and building a new “international” airport…


    [quote=”sweikert925″]Every time I leave CR I pay a departure tax, currently at $29.

    [url=]”Revenue from the exit tax is used by the Civil Aviation Authority exclusively for the expansion and modernization of the country’s airports.”[/url]

    Costa Rica gets upwards of 2 million tourists per year. Do the math.


    That figure of 2 million “tourists” includes 400,000 Nicaraguans. It may also include all of us who live here but have to leave every 90 days….


    Just to make life interesting …

    According to [url=]Central America[/url]:

    The firm Mel Group has submitted a proposal to finance construction of a new international airport, which includes a 4 kilometer long runway and a 30 thousand square meter building. The investment for this project, which will be located in Limon, is about $700 million. reports that “… The proposal made by Mel Group is to develop the work in Saborio Matina, about 25 kilometers from the port of Moin …The new terminal would measure ??36 thousand square meters and have a 4 kilometer long runway. “

    Carlos Segnini, Minister of Transport and Public Works, said that “… In the coming weeks the government will examine this proposal and analyse and another proposal made last year by the Chamber of Tourism of Limón and development partnership from the province for an airport in the province.

    “If” this were to happen, this would be HUGE for the Caribbean (neglected ) coast of Costa Rica…

    Having said that, I find it very strange indeed that I can NOT find any other reputable sources that speak of this substantial project and also can not find any data on the ‘Mel Group’.

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