New Real Estate tax?

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  • #177973

    Hi Scott, I just read in the Tico Times (August 04) that:

    “The Social Christian Unity Party (PUSC) has expressed its opposition to new taxes, including a 0.25% additional tax on land worth more than ¢75 million (about $146,000) containing houses or other buildings.”

    Do you or anyone else know, if this is a one time charge proposal or a yearly tax?



    I have to try and say this as politely as I can without offending anybody.

    It is totally natural for all of us to try and think of how potential changes might affect us however, it nearly always ends up being a waste of time because in the vast majority of cases, when something has been proposed, what eventually passes as law is normally very different that what had been initially proposed.

    This applied to the “panic” that set in when an ‘association’ in Costa Rica started talking about new income retirements for pensionados which NEVER materialized and was NEVER even mentioned by immigration.

    Yes! I did read this with great interest but I will “wait and see” what happens and take action at that time.

    Scott Oliver – Founder

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