New Taxes??

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    There was a meeting here in Nuevo Arenal the other evening that resulted in a lot of angry people. Something about new taxes that we didn’t understand (not enough Spanish yet). Can anyone explain?


    new taxes on what, did you at least get that part of it? the only new tax i know about is on our SAs, which i just paid.


    If you didn’t understand what the meeting was even about, why in God’s name did you get yourselves all worked up over it?

    Don’t you have enough to keep yourself busy organizing the international challenge to FACTA? When’s that meeting? And will it be conducted in a language you speak?


    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]There was a meeting here in Nuevo Arenal the other evening that resulted in a lot of angry people. Something about new taxes that we didn’t understand (not enough Spanish yet). Can anyone explain?[/quote]

    So if I understand this correctly, there were a “lot of angry people” who were primarily Ticos right? Or Gringos?

    And – as David asks – they are angry because of these “new taxes” which we assume are taxes imposed by Costa Rica? Rather than new U.S taxes that might only apply to Gringos, correct?

    Please help us get to the bottom of this because none of us want new taxes ….



    how can you even be sure it was about taxes if you didn’t understand what they were saying? also, how would any of us know what happened in that meeting if we weren’t there? this is a perfect example of why one needs to learn spanish to function properly in this country. this will be just one of hundreds of situations you will find yourself in where your lack of language skills will put you at a disadvantage.


    [quote=”maravilla”] this is a perfect example of why one needs to learn spanish to function properly in this country. [/quote]

    This is also a perfect example of why my father, when I was very young, taught me not to scream [b]”OUCH”[/b] ’til I was hurt.

    “Somebody had a meeting about something or another that I don’t understand, so I’m gonna go haywire!”

    Give me a break . . .


    Dear Scott
    I just wrote a long comment to this subject, but when I pushed the send button I got dumped and all my text is lost. I probably went over time, but it is not possible to post a decent text in five seconds !! 😈 specially if I want to add some links etc. Could you please extend the time to be logged in to an hour or so ? I am multi-tasking here and do not want to logg in every time I jump back on your page.


    o.k. again. the rumor is spread by a guy named Lucas Mongrito, he is the leader of some kind of tico community group in nuevo arenal. he said to me on the phone that the c.r. government hired a canadian company to appraise all property in the country. he said that they simply knocked on somebodys door, asked for the price of their property which was $ 50 per meter at lake arenal, and they took that value for all and every single property around the lake.


    now, I have been participating at an appraisal seminar with a canadian company and have learned that appraisals are done by complicated methods, not the way Lucas said. So I called the municipality in Tilaran and asked what was the deal. They said that nothing of that is true. The hired company is not canadian but from Spain, and the land values country wide can be checked on the following webpages (c.r. tax department)

    and this page explains how appraisals are done on buildings:


    So, this isn’t a new tax after all but just a new (if questionable) means of assessing an existing tax. That was certainly worth getting all worked up about.


    plus, there are several municipalities in C.R. who are not using those values but much lower ones for property taxes. The municipality of Tilaran is one of them, and they are responsible for the property taxes in Nuevo Arenal as well.


    sounds like another scam.


    sounds like …

    don’t need any new or higher taxes.


    [quote=”elindermuller”]Dear Scott
    I just wrote a long comment to this subject, but when I pushed the send button I got dumped and all my text is lost. I probably went over time, but it is not possible to post a decent text in five seconds !! 😈 specially if I want to add some links etc. Could you please extend the time to be logged in to an hour or so ? I am multi-tasking here and do not want to logg in every time I jump back on your page.[/quote]

    That has happened to me quite a few times, too. Very frustrating. What I do now, is after I write it, I copy and paste it in Word just in case it drops it upon sending.


    To avoid losing everything when the system “times out”, it’s always best to type up your response in some kind of text editor on your own computer first and then when you are completely finished, simply copy and paste it into the relevant Forum thread.

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