New Tourism Saying

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    I think the “No Artificial Ingredients” saying is lame.

    For all of us who live here I think this would be a beter saying and highly appreciated:

    “Costa Rica, Always an Adventure”

    I use that one to keep my self sane when things frequently go wrong here.


    Great saying! It’s certainly never boring…


    I like the one, “Costa Rica, we make easy hard.” I’ve seen that on a t-shirt and bumper sticker.


    that’s a good one! We make easy hard — jejeje that’s the truth, too.


    “Costa Rica. If you want to live like you did in the States, you have fifty good alternatives.”


    Ha! David that is a good one.


    Why not stay with the tried and true, Pura Vida.


    First you are welcome for the spa tip. Second pura vida was a phrase used by a mexican comiedian when things in life would go wrong the comedian sarcastically exclaimed “Pura vida” pure life at its imperfect best. So the next time your maid scratchs your new $50 teflon pan with a metal spoon (simply because its not hers so she could care less) you just exclaim Pura Vida.

    Now what has Pura Vida been corrupted to mean? I don’t really know, do you? I mean I am sure you have your idea of what Pura Vida means to you but I don’t think we would get a consensus on it. Envirornmental cleanliness, ( i don’t think CR is particularly hygenic and Ticos throw trash commonly. Pura Vida, like as in the calm life? If you have been part of this society, then you know functioning here (unless you stay at home) is anything but calm. Pura Vida is so ambiguous that its an enigma, and in that way, I guess it works for Costa Rica, because like the Ticos Costa Rica is really an enigma (unknowable) as in there is no rhyme or reason as to why the goverment and most of the people do what they do, Maybe Pura Vida means ignorance , but in an animalistic blissful way! LOL.


    lucky you if your maid scratches your teflon pan. then you can toss the thing in the trash where all teflon belongs. as for pura vida, it’s pure life, and in pure life, a lot of Shi$ happens. i think it’s an appropriate saying, especially for this place.


    [quote=”maravilla”]lucky you if your maid scratches your teflon pan. then you can toss the thing in the trash where all teflon belongs. as for pura vida, it’s pure life, and in pure life, a lot of Shi$ happens. i think it’s an appropriate saying, especially for this place.[/quote]

    Makes me wonder how these Ticos maintain such a positive life view and such a wonderful disposition. Has it occurred to anyone who is unhappy with the way things work here that perhaps they are the ones with a dysfuntional way of doing things ?

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