Nice Video David.

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    dtjohnson1, Jobs were being outsourced long before ’06. I am a conservative, and if anyone thinks GWB is a conservative, then it will be impossible to argue the point.

    George just sat there while the whole mess was taking place. I believe you have to agree with that. Congress may be full of corruption, but that’s no excuse for a president not to take his case to the people, a la Reagan. But, I almost forgot, he agrees with them….

    I don’t want to pay for handouts for lazy bums, and I’m not about to sit around while more of our liberty is stolen. If our new president is going to go along with congress, and try to impose extreme leftist policies down our throats, then I will actively support and work for a third party candidate that espouses conservative beliefs. If the republicans can’t produce one that has the ability to protect our freedoms, our country, and our job market, then it’s on to party number three.


    Well said. I am no Bush fan either. I liked his first term, but after that…..he has been a failure to say the least. I just don’t see the US improving when it comes to redistribution of wealth…there’s way too many people who are now unwilling to support themselves. Pretty sad.
    My wife and I are looking to retire somewhere less political, lower taxes, with friendly hardworking people ect… I don’t care if my neighbors are liberal or conservative…just nice people. Everything here is becoming so cut-throat….it’s just no fun anymore.
    Anyway…..good comments. We all have our reasons for wanting something else…..good friends and cold beer is all a guy can ask for!


    DTJ, You’re right, it’s just no fun here anymore. We have about 9-10 years left here till we pull the plug. I don’t believe I’ll ever hate the US, and will continue to do what I can till it’s time to go.

    Liberal or conservative, there are plenty of nice people left. Many of them are on this board. I don’t think our political leanings have much to do with our general feelings about wanting a better life for ourselves and for others. We all have valid points, and there are times I agree with those left of me. It helps to keep an open mind.

    Back to the original topic of immigration. My wife and I still should have enough income, SS & pension, to pass the new req., but if they raise it more again by the time we’re ready, we’ll have to take a pass. It’s the fact that no one is grandfathered in that ticks me off. Having the axe hanging over your head does not make for a relaxing retirement.

    Our sons have a band, and have made a few friends in CR, and Argentina. They have a couple of bands in CR that want to tour with them down there. Our kids have expressed one day jumping ship and relocating to CR. I wonder if the artist residency applies to musicians? Our youngest has “musician” listed as his occupation on his passport. He may have been thinking ahead. It just might be a cheaper way to bring the entire family down.


    Oops. The immigration part was for another thread.


    We have about 15 years left, but are also looking to maybe buy some real estate now. We have not completely settled on CR yet so if the requirements become to high, we’ll look elsewhere.


    Hey, folks, a couple of days ago I posted an opinion from an authoritative source to the effect that it would be unconstitutional in Costa Rica to make an income requirement retroactive to the detriment of those who have already been granted legal residency. Even if the wording of this law under consideration makes that provision, it could be easily challenged in Sala IV, the supreme court.

    I think those who already have residency can rest easily.


    David Now I can associate a face with a name. You look healthy. God Bless you and your family for the Holidays and New Year.
    Stan Putra
    Bandera Beach Estates

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