No aerocallis shown in messages

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    Hi Scott,

    Nothing for aerocallis comes up. Soooo – if I can get a P. O. Box in CR can I have my mail from the US sent to it without waiting a long time? Also, How does one get a P. O. Box before they get there? Can I do that now? ARCR recommemds not telling the US Postal service about the change in address (apparently you get all the junk mail! )



    Roberta: It’s spelled Aerocasillas, so I am not sure if you spelled it aerocallis like you did in this post. Just an FYI. I have an account and it’s easy to get mail sent to Costa Rica. Your address would be:

    SJO 12345 (you will have an account number specific to you)
    PO BOX 25331
    Miami, FL 33102 (for envelopes only)

    There is a physical address for shipments of packages, but I don’t know that off the top of my head. Depending on the amount of mail received, we spend $30-45 per month typically. You may spend less depending on your mail habits. It takes about a week for mail from the states to hit San Jose. I get mail in about 10 days at the beach, as it’s delivered via a cargo service. You can call Aerocasillas and they have reps that speak English if there is something you are unsure of. They charge my credit card each month and I receive online statements that are emailed to me, so it’s convenient. I have been happy so far with Aerocasillas service. Good luck.



    Thank you! I apologise for the spelling error. Right now I am frazzeled! I have 15 days to go before I leave and still so much to do. But – I’m so excited and can hardly wait to get there.

    I went on Aerocasillas’s web site – and saw where you can sign up – I saw where they have the “basic”, gold, platinum and whatever the next one up was – I think I just need to get the basic for now.

    Do they deliver at your house or do you have to pick it up somewhere? I will be renting in Atenas for now.



    Hi Roberta:
    I am not sure if Aerocasillas delivers to the home. You’ll have to inquire. My parents live in La Garita, down the road from Atenas, and they pick up their mail at the pharmacy down the road. I pick up mine at the Tralapa station because I live out of the central valley. You should start with the basic package and if you start to get a lot of mail, you can always switch to a different one. Aerocasillas actually emailed me when they calculated that switching to the next package up would save me money. How is that for customer service! Also, do yourself a favor, and don’t forward your address with the USPS, you WILL get a ton of junk mail I have heard. I just changed my address with my creditors and gave my new address to friends and family. If you do get junk email, you can actually get a credit from Aerocasillas by sending back the mail.

    Edited on Dec 02, 2007 04:48


    Aerocasillas delivers thousands of dollars worth of books to my front door every year… Having said that I do NOT know if that applies in Atenas

    Scott Oliver – Founder

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