Paradise Profits

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    I have come across a company called Paradise Profits. The company has a corportation called First Equity Development of Costa Rica. What can anyone tell me about the company? How do I check to see if this company is registered with SEGEVAL? Scott, I noticed that the president, Jeff Hickcox is listed a trusted provider and you have a commented on his book. What do you think of his book?


    Jeff Hickcox is indeed one of our Recommended Realtors and as such, he is most definitely someone I trust otherwise he would not be listed on our site…

    Jeff asked me to provide a testimonial for his new book which I was happy to do … He has produced a very worthwhile book for anyone who wishes to invest in Costa Rica real estate.

    PS. Sorry for the delayed response, I am in Guatemala to celebrate New Year with my girlfriends’ family.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    I was very shocked to learn that Jeff is a tourist in Costa Rica. I looked into his real estate page and to my surprise a customer comment was by Jeff. This is just amazing to me that a rookie with no legal right to work in CR becomes an expert in a couple of years. Has anyone else read his book. I would like to see other comments. Randy

    “My name is Jeff Hickcox and I recently moved to Atenas, Costa Rica with my wife and two young sons (3&7yrs old) from Connecticut USA.

    I consider myself very lucky to have found Costa Rica Land & Property to handle my transition. They were thorough, friendly, practical, and above all they handled everything with a personal touch.
    The endless details involved in making such a move can be beyond stressful. However, it should be an exciting and fun process. Costa Rica Land & Property helped us enjoy our transition.
    Their services were far above the call of duty for the average real estate agent. They arranged our property, met us at the airport, translated our lease at the lawyers, introduced us to local store owners, accompanied us to open a bank account and a PO Box, took us to the farmer’s market, and answered ALL of our silly questions with patience.
    I was in the real estate business in the USA and I have never seen such a personal touch on these services. When they asked me to join their team I was thrilled at the opportunity to work with such caring people as Terry and Rodrigo.
    If you dream of Costa Rica…Costa Rica Land & Property will make your dreams true!
    Jeff & Mary Hickcox
    Connecticut, USA


    Didn’t his wife just have a baby in Costa Rica less than a year ago??? I would assume they are trying to get residency based on that if it’s the same person I’m thinking of.


    This information is correct, however, he does not have residency. This means he is still a tourist and should not be working the streets selling real estate. Randy


    Oh, I thought that’s how it’s done!


    I’m sure you’ll find MANY of the folks in business and selling real estate here in CR are on tourist visas. Quite a few give their story about coming to CR on a vacation and falling in love with the place. Many are quite young… and therefore not likely to be retirees, nor do they seem to be the types that have deep pockets to apply for rentista or investor status…. and even then… are they legally able to work? They all have a story to tell… most of them don’t mention their status here in the country for good reason. I’d be interested in knowing how many of the folks that do business on this website are residency challenged.


    I’m confused. What, exactly, is the point of this thread?

    Is theone (Randy) complaining in general about people (pensionados, rentistas or touristas) working here illegally? If yes, what exactly is the point of the complaint? Or is there something special to complain about with regard to the particular person who is the object of this discussion? Certainly the author (theone/Randy) must know of many other instances of north Americans working illegally in Costa Rica. Why turn the spotlight on this one?

    Or is the objective to deflect attention from someone else?


    David…. I think his (theone-Randy) original question was asking for some imput on this investment outfit called Paradise Profit. He then did a little more NET research while awaiting a reply to his posting and found some of the answers to his questions and posted a follow-up.

    He seems to state the fellow in question is another US transplant with limited years of “experience” here in Costa Rica that is now an expert running an investment company and is marketing a book. He seems to imply that this person may or may not even be a legal “resident”. The poster was also asking if the investment company is register with SEGEVAL. At least that’s my take on the conversation. Perhaps I have it wrong. The guy (Theone) might be a unhappy competitor or investor… or someone else with an ax to grid… who knows.

    I have no connection to any of the players in this conversation but think the guy has some valid questions. Perhaps Scott can add to this with some fact. I think Scott gave a reference to this guy… they even use it on the Paradise Profit website selling the book. Or perhaps the fellow in question can address the questions in the original posting? Can anyone else add to this? Is there a way to check one’s status here? Is there a way to check if a company is registered with SEGEVAL? Do we really know how much experience this guy has?

    I have to say… the website is well designed… but then again… most of the biggest scams of recent history shared that same trait… so I don’t give much weight to a slick web design. It might be totally on the level, who knows!

    You have to love a forum like this where information like this is shared and investigated.

    David, I’m not sure of any of the player’s motivation in this discussion… but there are some vaild questions. This fellow is a Recommended Realtor on this website and is marketing a book and investments on a website that features a testimonial from Scott. I know Scott’s reputation and opinion are paramount to all of us. This isn’t ANYONE being singled out… it is someone that is FEATURED and RECOMMENDED on this site and is therefor thought to be on the level. It’s important for anyone using this website to know WHO they’re dealing with. I’ll await the replies from those involved.

    Fire away!

    Edited on Jan 01, 2009 11:20


    Is Randy (theone) Randy Berg??


    I’m not sure that it’s that Randy… why would he bring this issue up… he very well might be in the same situation! I seem to remember his company some how ending up on a list of unregistered investment companies doing business in CR. I’m not sure what the outcome was and if the situation was resolved or not. Are the forums on his site still active? I know he had posted some information about the situation there.


    It seems that I need to set the record straight regarding this discussion about my status in Costa Rica, my companies, and my reputation.

    For the moment, I will assume that Randy has good intentions and is simply raising important questions about someone with whom he is not familiar. Following my statement, I will request that anyone who knows me to please post their opinions of me so that one can gain a better sense of who I am and what my motives are in Costa Rica.

    In terms of residency, my son was born in Costa Rica and has dual citizenship. Through his application, my family is in the legal process of residency.

    First and foremost I am an educator, through my experience in real estate investing in the United States and the tremendous amount of research I have done while in Costa Rica. The result of my work is the book I have created which explains the characteristics, laws and strategies that work in Costa Rica. However, I do not claim to be an expert in every facet of real estate and investing, which is why the strength of the book is in the recommended professionals. Through this network of trusted professionals, my company First Equity Development has invested in several projects as we are legally allowed to do. We advise investors on an individual basis in a partnership agreement; we do not operate an investment pool of any kind.

    As far as my testimonial which appears on the site of Costa Rica Land & Property, I was a customer in my move to Costa Rica, and it was precisely because I was so impressed with their service that I became a shareholder and contributor.

    Lastly, my commitment to Costa Rica is a lifelong one; I am not here to make enemies. Randy, I would be happy to discuss this with you personally. I know there is a troubled history with Terry, but I would enjoy meeting you to gain more insight.

    Jeffrey Hickcox


    No one who knows Jeff Hickcox would ever question his financial and investing knowledge, his ethics, his honesty or his commitment. He was a real estate investor in the US whose savvy showed him the “writing on the wall” way before many so called “experts”. He began to look for a more stable real estate market and a good place to raise his family. He found Costa Rica and studied it for years before he actually moved here. (I know, as I was the recipient of the questions for almost 2 years!) Since he arrived, he has immersed himself in learning first hand about Costa Rica, its culture, language, its varied climates (financial and otherwise), health care and of course real estate. He is probably THE smartest guy I know. I’m proud to call him my friend and blessed to have him as an investor/partner and adviser in our company.
    Terry Mills
    President, Costa Rica Land & Property


    I stand by my recommendation of Jeff Hickcox.

    My only concern about originally recommending Jeff (as he will tell you) was his residency status because we only recommend Realtors on this site who are legally allowed to work here in Costa Rica as Realtors however, my attorney state that since his application is being processed, there should be no problem.

    Jeff has not lived here in Costa Rica for decades – no! But he is using real estate investment techniques that worked very well for him in the USA with a few Tico ‘twists’ and he’s doing so very successfully both for himself and his clients.

    Lastly, I am a little confused that someone with the username ‘theone’ who is signing his postings ‘Randy’ is registered under a completely different name.

    I don’t know why ‘theone’ is playing games (I don’t think Randy would do that…) with names but perhaps it would be a good idea to confirm who is ‘theone?’ And if it someone at Randys’ firm, perhaps they can they confirm that all the expats they have working with their company are working here legally as Realtors?

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    I think the can of worms has been cracked open! I’m not sure who theone-Randy is either… but I’m sure the residency/registered investment company issue is something that a lot of folks doing business here will have to address at some point. With business and incoming cash slowing down as much as it has for those in the RE/construction/investment business you can be sure that there will be lots of people dropping the dime on each other!

    As for how this matter was addressed… I’m satisfied with the replies… perhaps not as complete as they should be… but at least those involved had the guts to step up and address the questions!

    Edited on Jan 03, 2009 08:42

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