Paragon Properties of Costa Rica Buyer Beware!

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    Just to keep you guys in the know about whats up with Paragon. Paragon ain’t gone!

    On 1/12/2009 another court case was filed against William Gale and Steven Tashman of Paragon Properties of Costa Rica at the Broward County Civil Court. Case Number: CACE09001775

    We are not that great at this internet thing but my husband tells me this is the UREL:$ContentPlaceHolder1$comcs$btnSummary=View%20Selected%20Case&&user_type=

    You can see another court case against Paragon Properties of Costa Rica on 10/03/08 at the Broward County Civil Court. Case Number: CACE08047677$ContentPlaceHolder1$comcs$btnSummary=View%20Selected%20Case&&user_type=

    And two more ‘RipOff Reports’ about Paragon Properties

    “We put a 25,000 downpayment with paragon properties of costa rica and cannot get their agent to respond to questions we have regarding infrastructure or their financial status. In 2010, it will be 5 yrs that we signed our contract. We have been contacted by them to send more money and they will reduce the balance we owe, 35,000 to complete the purchase on our lot in the Gables. We are in Costa Rica to visit the site and determined no one and no equipment has been in that area for sometime. The models are now for sale but there is no infrastructure or any building going on in that area.
    No one will respond to us. Many others must have purchased before us and their 5 yr waiting period for their return deposits or the start of construction should have begun by now. If there is an attorney working on someone’s behalf, please contact us.” Evets. Ironton, Ohio. U.S.A.”

    I am willing to join with anyone to file a class action lawsuit against Paragon Properties. Please contact me.
    Let’s all get together.

    I’ve also searched the funding that Bill Gales received – take at look at this link: (((Redacted)))

    Find the information on this website about Bill Gales and Paragon receiving $7.5M

    I own my land, I have the spanish documents in an SA. I feel that my only choice is to wait until I have owned my property for the timeframe allowed in my contract (I think 2 years) and at that time I can demand to build – and if they can’t meet their contractual commitments (LOL) then I can receive a full refund. Thanks.” Carol Pfarr
    HR, Colorado. U.S.A.


    An article in today’s which refers to a telephone conversation with the Chairman of Paragon Properties William Gale referring to the current “tough situation.”

    “We have every reason, desire and purpose to continue what we started,” said Gale.

    Paragon Properties of Costa Rica has sold 2,509 lots of a possible 2,600 on 17 different projects, 15 of which are fully permitted and ready for home construction. Five homes have been completed.

    Mr. Gale said his company only makes money when it begins construction. He also said that under contract his company is obligated to produce homes for property owners for $60 to $90 a square foot.

    We have received numerous comments and postings about this company over the past five years and genuinely hope to see some real progress in the future.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    I wouldn’t count on it!

    One would have to ask…. with 2,509 out of 2,600 lots sold (that’s 96% sold folks!)…. why have they not yet put in the infrastructure at most of these projects? Seems with that kind of influx of cash that they’d
    be able to have the roads and utilities in now, would it not? Perhaps a little too much was spent on marketing and not enough on cement, electrical wire, and water pipe at these projects? And if what Bill said is true…

    “Gale said his company only makes money when it begins construction. He also said that under contract his company is obligated to produce homes for property owners for $60 to $90 a square foot.”

    It would seem rather unreasonable at that cost per foot that he’ll be able to make the improvements(roads, utilities, club houses), build a house for you, and turn a profit.

    Let’s just be realistic about this! If they couldn’t pull off this fantasy in a great market… there’s not a chance it will happen now…. be it 60 days from now or EVER!

    It’s starting to look an awful lot like more dirt roads to nowhere… I do however enjoy the drive through these “projects” looking to see if I can spot the numbers on the lots through the overgrown grass! LOL

    Just my 2 cents!

    Edited on Feb 03, 2009 10:46


    The article states that there are five homes that have been completed. With over 2,500 lots sold that means that over 99% of the lots do not have homes built on them. It’s hard to believe that less than 1% of the buyers actually wanted to build a home on their lots. After 5 years this is certainly not progress. Hopefully they are not continuing to sell lots.


    Fortunately, unless Paragon opens some more developments, they can only disappoint ninety-one more buyers. The end is in sight . . .

    Would you not think that, with 2,509 lots sold and forty-percent paid for, Paragon might have completed the infrastructure on at least one development? That’s the equivalent of about 1,000 lots fully paid at (say) $50,000 each, or about $50 million (plus interest) already in the company’s coffers.

    Even if my calculations are off by a factor of 100%, still $25 million would develop a lot of subdivisions in the U.S. and pretty much anywhere else.


    The cost of those flashy websites, slick sales flyers, 10 million high pressure sales phone calls, and threats of legal action
    to anyone that challenged them must have really added up! Roads and utilities be damned! LOL

    I agree David…. the end is in sight!

    Edited on Feb 03, 2009 13:26


    That is what has me baffled. With all those lots sold why not complete the infrastructure? I think we all know the answer to that…


    can we all say Bernie Madoff?????


    I would be willing to file a class action suit with you. I live in Costa Rica and have seen NO progress on the property that i “bought”. I am p***** and want my money back. contact me at

    Look forward to hearing from someone soon.


    Hello guys,

    My name is Pablo Diaz. I used to work for Paragon Properties as a tour guide. I was fired for no reason when my wife was 8 months pregnant. Soon enough I found out about their lies because I found out through a client/friend (Mr. Frank Scales)what they were doing to people like you.
    Anyway, my father is an attorney at law and a notary so he helped me get my money (Steve Tashman and Bill Gale didn’t want to pay me my money). After I got my well deserved compensation I decided to help Mr. Scales with his case so I got him in touch with my father. Together, we were able to get Mr. Scales money back, plus I was able to get him a great deal on a property in Santa Ana, Costa Rica. Frank is my friend and he was the one who told me about this site so I could write to all the people that may need some help.
    We are currently helping another client that bought 10 lots on several properties for a total of $370,000.00 and we are expecting an answer within the next 10 days. If not, the judge will rule on our favor.
    If you are interested or have someone that may need specific legal advising on Paragon Properties just let me know. By the way a class action suit is more possible now than ever.


    Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Paragon Properties of Costa Rica April 2010

    Please see: [ ]


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