Paragon Properties of Costa Rica – Refund

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    My wife and I submitted a request for refund ($39,500) in February 2007 and still have not received it. Our contract says that we are entitled to a full refund “upon” submitting a request. We complained to the Better Business Bureau of SE Florida:

    Paragon’s response was that undoing the transaction was a complicated process and that it would take until mid-August to get the refund to us. We told the BBB that that was a lot of malarkey; all they have to do is write a check and mail it.

    Obviously, we are bitterly disappointed.

    Other people awaiting a refund ought to contact the BBB.
    Hello, Lyle! Say Hi to Bill Gale.
    Ed Scott


    I just visited that BBB site you mentioned and when you click on Paragon Properties of Costa Rica it describes them as “This company’s nature of business is Land Surveyors”

    Land Surveyors????

    Paragon Properties are Land Surveyors. Isn’t that weird?

    And how complicated a process can this be? Im sure they would not have waited for six months for you to send them a check but they gonna take six month to write you a check?


    Thanks. “Land surveyors” is a very strange description.


    THEY ARE QUICK TO TAKE A CHECK slow to write one…i saw SCOTT write something about “over 2000 lots available in C.R. but so far they’ve only built 20 houses on them”!! It might be best to sticking to buying existing houses or condos.. possibly too many builders have bought too many lots.. and they will eventually “learn” to be more price competitive, or start building first!


    I’m posting because I just received an e-mail from Scott asking if we received our refund. I want everyone to know that we did receive our refund from Paragon Properties of CR. It was not easy!!! You can read my prior postings and you can read our story. The first of the refunds we received in in the middle of July and the second one finally came in the middle of August. The refund checks have to be mailed from CR from the President,Esteban Soto C.. they are written on a Bk of America, so if you don’t have an account now, go open one so the funds will be avaiable in 24 hours, not days. They will probably change banks now….Anyway, try to get everything they say in writing. Thanks to this web site,current and past Paragon Properties customers can read for themselves experiences that others are having or HAD. I wish all of you the best of luck and I will go to CR to see the beautiful country even after this experience. I will deal with a local realtor that I’ve spoke to several times and has helped me in the struggle to get my refund. GOOD LUCK


    FYI. We also filed a complaint with the BBB of Flordia. I will let them know we finally received our refund. Our complaint should still show open as well as others I know that posted complaints also.


    SLOWwwww is not the word. They have you wire your deposit to an attorney in Flordia and the funds are held only for a few days then they are deposited into Paragon’s account. They somehow can’t reverse the situation when it comes to sending us our refund. They mail the check regular mail from CR. They did give us a tracking number that is only good in CR,once the check leaves the country you can’t track it, plus you need to read spanish….So, that did us a lot of good. Just pray the check does not get lost…..NEED I SAY MORE????


    When did you request your refund?


    Sorry to say but reporting to the BBB especially in FL serves only to allow you the gratification of putting your complaint to paper, nothing more. They are a for profit entity whose goal ultimately is to acquire and retain member companies. This flies in the face of genuine consumer advocacy in my opinion.

    I am a former resident of SE Florida and I know of numerous “companies” with a BBB rap sheet that continue to engage in their questionable business practices (having been taken personally) You need counsel if you want results and should file your complaints with a state agency.


    We are happy ‘Roxann’ that your situation was resolved to your satisfaction.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Did not sound to me as though “Roxann’s” situation with Paragon was resolved to her satisfaction. Sounded like she was relieved that an ordeal was over and Paragon got to use her money unjustly for an extended period.


    I wonder how much they make in interest holding all those deposits and then stalling on the refunds. Nice gig, if you can get it.


    Ahhhh, Making money on the float. The safest and best investment there is. (OPM) Other Peoples Money.


    And it’s even more profitable if you never give back the deposits! Just saw this post on another board. Whooo-eeeee, this could get interesting:

    “I wish I had seen this forum 18 months ago!!! Scanning through old messages on this forum I read an open letter from Bill Gale, Chairman of Paragon Properties, to Scott Oliver dated May 20, 2005 that stated in part, Quote:
    (Before you guffaw at this policy, we hereby offer you one hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars if you can show that any customer who has submitted a request for refund did not actually receive the refund. Perhaps you’ll be willing to buy me a cup of coffee if you can’t.) Unquote:

    Well Scott, if you read this contact me and I’ll help you collect that $100,000 and YOU can give me back my $25,000 deposit because even though Bill Gale himself wrote me a letter dated October 6, 2006 and promised to refund my deposit, he has yet to do so! My reminders to Bill Gale dated 10/26/06, and 12/15/06 and 01/09/07 have also fallen on deaf ears.

    Bill, if you have your ears on now, listen up!

    I am putting together a class action law suit against the company and their parent so if there are any others out there that feel they have been defrauded by Paragon’s fradulent maps showing non-existent highways running direct from San Jose to Parrita, or grossly underestimating the construction cost, or failing to install infrastructure per their contract, or not getting their deposits returned when requested, etc. contact me and I’ll add you to the plaintiff list. I also plan on requesting a Federal Mail Fraud investigation of them with the US Postal Service and the FTC as they used the US Mails to send me fraudulent materials. I also plan on asking the State Attorney General to bar them from doing business in the State of Kentucky.

    Hey, Bill, “Can you hear me now?”


    Whatever happened to that phrase “caveat emptor”? Guess it doesn’t apply to buying land in CR sight unseen.


    Please contact me at What you are doing sounds great!

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