Paragon Properties Update – February 2008

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    there was someone else who posted on this board a few months ago who was looking for more plaintiffs to join a class action lawsuit again paragon. scroll down to the last paragon thread and you will find his contact info. i´ve heard these stories so often in the past 3 years that i just can´t believe that there are still people out there plunking money down for sight unseen land and then complaining about it later when they find out they´ve been snookered. sheesh!


    Fyi-go to and put in Paragon Properties. Note their rating is F-the worst.


    Thanks for your post, map12. We seem to all agree they suck, but what can just one person do without the strength of a class action suit? I’m just waiting out my time to see if the promised infrastructure is indeed going in by April 2008, almost 4 years after I paid for my properties in full.


    dream on. april is less than two months away.


    I agree. I saw a new post dated 2-13-08 on and put in Paragon Properties.


    with all the blah blah about doing due diligence, why do people find these scathing reports AFTER they´ve forked out all that money. seems like due diligence should include investigating the compay you plan to hand over a big sum of money to BEFORE you do it, not after you can´t get the money back.


    You’re belaboring the obvious, Maravilla. And, of course, you’re 100 percent right. One wonders . . .


    I fortunately did not buy into the Paragon “dream”. However, my friends did and that’s why I’ve posted a couple of sites indicating complaints as I understand Paragon is now in the business of building homes. My friends did get their deposit back after over 9 agonizing months. They visited the property. Turned in request for refund in the proper allotted time and were told it would be returned shortly. On their behalf, they want Paragon clients to be aware that things are not as they seem. Watch out Paragon clients giving deposits on future building. Get things in writing. Speak to the architect. Speak to the builder. Speak to a Costa Rican attorney. Make sure your site is suitable for building. Also, as we see actual infrastructure going on in some of their developments according to their website, when can “real” building start? Don’t take the word of the employees and officers of the company-find out for yourself! If you are planning a home in one of Paragon’s developments, due diligence has just begun!


    From the beginning of my search for property there advertising turned me off, even before finding this site. This was just based on a gut feeling, the “control $60k in Costa rican real estate with $25K” just sounded off. But at times I gave them the benefit of the doubt, with all that money why wouldn’t they build out the infrastructure in a timely manner as it would only serve there own interests. They could point to one development and say look what we did, just like we said.. finished, paved roads, utilities etc..that’s what the “infamous” folks I bought from did and it has served them well and they silenced there critics. But it has been years since there chairman came on this site and proclaimed they were for real, but as they say the proof is in the pudding and there ain’t no pudding! As I would say in this forum what’s the big deal if you have all these millions of dollars from selling all these lots? Construction/labor cost are cheap in C.R. you just hire a contractor and say build this out, here is your time frame , finish a little early and you get a nice bonus? It seems these people just prayed on our greed, that some how this land would make you rich eerily similar to Florida land sales in the 50’s and 60’s.

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