Paying Parking Tickets

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    A couple of weeks ago, I got a parking ticket in San Jose (c3,750). It’s payable at Banco de Costa Rica IF you pay there within eight days. That’s written in very small and indistinct print on the back of the ticket. Needless to say, I’ve missed the deadline.

    I’ve heard that you can not pay tickets and next December or January you’ll find them added to the cost of your annual marchamo. This sounds much more attractive than driving to San Jose from Grecia, finding the Municipalidad building, parking (in a legal spot this time),finding the right place to pay, standing in line(s), etc, etc, etc.

    Does anybody know definitively if I can get away with waiting ’til the end of the year and paying this ticket with my marchamo?


    yes you can wait to see what happens, it may be added to the Marchamo or it may not. If it is there will be added interest and probably other charges but it wont ammount to much.


    Hmmm . . .

    Phillip, your reply is fraught with conditionals. “. . . wait to see what happens . . it may be added or it may not . . If it is there . . .”

    Has anyone actually let a ticket go? Do you have firsthand experience?



    yes David, i have, and that is what happened to me but of course i cannot be sure the same will happen to you that is why I wrote as I did.


    Unfortunately, I can´t say for sure what the deal is with parking tickets. With any other kind of ticket such as speeding violation, seatbelt, etc&. they are added to your driver´s license, and you have to pay them when you go to renew them. As far as parking tickets goes, if I have the chance I will find out for you, but if not, the ¨Parquimetros¨ (parking meter) office is located in the upstairs of the Mercado Central, believe it or not, there is an upstairs, and a couple of years ago I contested a few tickets there.


    Last week, my attorney advised me that if I do not pay this ticket it will be added to my “marchamo” next December along with about 2% interest. Waiting ’til then to pay it seems like a much better deal than driving into downtown San Jose from Grecia, finding the Municipalidad, finding parking, finding the caja, waiting in the correct line (always a question), etc.

    I think I’m going to take my chances.

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