Perpetual Tourists

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    In another forum, some folks who have been playing the “perpetual tourist” game (leaving Costa Rica for three days every three months in order to get a new tourist visa) have reported that when they re-enter they’re being given thirty day visas and not ninety day ones.

    Has anyone here had that experience?


    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]In another forum, some folks who have been playing the “perpetual tourist” game (leaving Costa Rica for three days every three months in order to get a new tourist visa) have reported that when they re-enter they’re being given thirty day visas and not ninety day ones.

    Has anyone here had that experience?[/quote]

    Everyone we know either has their residency or is in process so no one need go.

    I dont understand the idea of the perpetual tourist. One foot in and one foot out makes it seem like they can’t make up their minds.


    i’ve been reading a lot about this, too, and it seems that the 90 days is not automatic but at the discretion of the immigration officer.



    Everyone we know either has their residency or is in process so no one need go.

    I dont understand the idea of the perpetual tourist. One foot in and one foot out makes it seem like they can’t make up their minds.[/quote]

    Not really…..some of us are not of retirement age (my wife is still in her thirties and I’m in my early fourties) and don’t have SS or other retirements that have kicked in, This makes it more difficult to get residency and making us “perpetual tourists”. Yes there are other ways of getting residency but like I stated its much more difficult. Thus the “perpetual tourist” option doesn’t seen so bad or difficult compared to the other options.


    Hey waggoner41 I do have a 401k but immigration will not accept my letter from my UBS Financial Services, I do not get Social Security yet. So I think as you, I am here I want to live in this country no one foot in one foot out. Have you found any reasonable trips out of Costa Rica to comply with the 72 hour rule?? Thanks


    OOPPS Sorry meant to respond to gzeniou, well, and also to waggoner 41


    [quote=”Crawbuick”]Hey waggoner41 I do have a 401k but immigration will not accept my letter from my UBS Financial Services, I do not get Social Security yet. So I think as you, I am here I want to live in this country no one foot in one foot out. Have you found any reasonable trips out of Costa Rica to comply with the 72 hour rule?? Thanks[/quote]

    There isn’t anything that’s reasonable about the requirement to leave particularly if they are cutting the re-entry time to 30 days.

    I’d say it’s time to think outside the box and figure out if something else is possible. Have you covered all of the legal bases?

    There are several ways to obtain residency. Have you investigated anything other than pensionado? Rentista? Inversionista?

    1 – Do you have an income while you are in Costa Rica?
    It’s illegal for you to work in Costa Rica except in particular circumstances.

    2 – Are you over 59 1/2 and eligible to draw on the 401k?
    Using up your 401k may or may not be a viable idea. There may be ways to get your financial institution to guarantee a monthly income until you get SS.

    3 – How long to Social Security?
    Can you work out a way to last until then?

    Obviously you are here. Have you been here long enough to have to deal with the Tico way of doing thigs? That, from personal experience, can be very frustrating. I’va had to make major changes in expectations. You need to make sure that this is what you really want.

    I’ll send a PM.

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