Please recommend a dentist in Costa Rica

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    Hello All – I’m on my way to CR in early March with a dental problem. I spent 2 years and a great deal of money to get a “precision denture” and 6 crowns. The denture connects to the crowns on the tongue side of the teeth so that there are no obvious attachments showing when I smile.

    It’s wonderful AND every one of the crowns that were placed leak!! Since I am going to CR, I plan to have them all replaced, including the denture, with precision crowns and denture. There is so much hype on the internet about the various dental clinics in CR (San Jose is my destination) – that I cannot figure out who to go see!! Does anyone have experience in person with any of the dentists in San Jose?

    I can’t express how thankful I would be to hear of your experience so that I can make an educated choice right away – time is of the essence. Also, I’m thinking of having implants under the denture, so if you could also send info on folks who do that work too, I’d sure send you blessings.
    Thanks SO much!


    Lauren, I’m so sorry you had trouble with your dental work, but I can assure you that
    DR. RAFAEL LACHNER CHARTIER Office #: 506-224-1995 /Calle Central, y 1, Avenida 5, Edificio Lachner (across from Letras/University of CR in San Pedro & POPS icecream is on the 1st level of the building) Office 506-253-9365 can help you. He has been my dentist for years (even now that I’ve temporarily moved back to the States). He is amazing, his work is impecable and I have to say that I have never received a novacaine shot with such grace that it didn’t even feel like a pinch. He’s so good that he’s also recommended by the US Embassy and Franklin Chan (US-CR astronaut)uses him. He’s not inexpensive for Costa Rican standards, but is MUCH less expensive in comparison with US dental work and in the opinion of someone that really, really dislikes going to the dentist, much better than any dentist I have ever tried in NJ. Make sure to tell them you’re coming from the abroad for this and ask that he be the one to treat you. Best of luck…


    You have read ‘Costa Rica Dentist – Or, How I Got Dental Implants in Costa Rica, Saved a Bundle, And Learned to Laugh Again. ‘ at [ ] and…

    ‘Costa Rica Dentist In Paradise (Escazu) Saved Me $18,000’ at [ ]

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Prisma dental 011 506 2915151, check website. I did not persoanlly use them, but I sent a friend there from Fla who needed extensive work and he was overjoyed at the result and saved alot of $.


    Thank you so much for your message. I will contact Dr. Chartier. Is there anyone else out there with experience with this dentist? Or with Dr. Mario Garita? And can anyone tell me why Carolyn, whose article was referenced here in response to my query, had so much pain with her implants?
    Thanks and again and many blessings –


    laurenb, just wanted to clarify something – in CR/Latin America we use 2 last names and the first one is our main last name so the dentist I recommended is known as Dr. Lachner not Dr. Chartier. Best of luck in your search…


    A friend from Florida came here specifically to have 6 implants installed and this is his 2nd trip to have this work completed by the same dentist. During his 1st trip he had 2 implants and crowns installed and the total procedure took 3 days. The dentist arranged for hotel and transport from the airport and daily for the office visits. The cost he paid is $500 per tooth for titanium steel covered with bone material implants. The actual procedure takes less than 30 minutes per tooth. The impressions and the porcelain crowns cost $250 each. This dentist makes the crowns right in his office so my friend had the impression made on Monday and the crowns installed on Tuesday. This dentist charges $70 for deep cleaning. My friend said that this dentist, went to school in the USA, does the implants and his son takes the impressions and installs the crowns. The dentist is Dr. Marco A Munoz Cavallini.


    Thank you all for responding – this has been a BIG help! I’ll let you know how it goes so that you can tell other folks. I’m going to be making calls to find out who is willing to do what… so any other input anyone has would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again –


    I have just come back home after having numerous lower teeth removed, bone graphs, deep cleaning, 6 Implants @ $700 each finishing with an enameled covered titanium bridge. All of this took about a year to complete. I used Dentavac you can look them up on the web at My Dentist is Dr. Luis Alberto Baez Astua a highly skilled professional. I have been in and out of many Clinic’s over the years but I have never found a more up-to-date modern establishment ever. My new teeth fit perfectly, it feels as though they have been with me for ever. There is absolutely no feeling that my previously teeth had been removed.


    Thank you so much for your response. You have all been a great help. I am trying to get in to Asthetic Dentistry and will know tomorrow whether that will happen. If not, Dentavac is my second choice! Thanks again for the time taken out to help a stranger find her way… !

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