portable air conditioners

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    Any info on where to purchase a small portable room air conditioner in the area between the airport and Naranjo.



    Can’t think of any location between those two points at all. In fact, the more I think about it, there are hardly any shops of any kind between those points.

    Would strongly encourage you to make the trip into San Jose where you’ll find a better selection and probably better prices or, take the back route from the airport via Belen to Santa Ana and visit the ferreterias there or ConstruPlaza off the highway that goes from Santa Ana to Escazu/San Jose.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    You could also try the big appliance dealers — Gollo, Casa Blanca and Importadora Monge. Even a local store in (say) Naranjo might be able to get something that they don’t commonly display.

    Importadora Monge has a large store in the MultiPlaza in Escazu that caters to North Americans. They used to have a large store in San Pedro, across from Cemaco. Now, that place is called Players, but I think the merchandise mix is the same.


    I found them at Pricemart and EPA both about $650.00


    Just as a matter of interest, how do these work? Do you have to hang a tube out of the window or something?

    Is there a brand that you prefer?

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Yes, I visited those locations.
    Multi Frio in San Jose called and tomorrow I will visit them.
    Will report back for those of you that believe it really is hot!



    Have you had good results with this type of A.C. unit? They never seem to work very well at least the ones I have used here in NYC.


    Hello Scott!

    No tubes involved; just a free standing unit on the floor.
    Add water and cool the room.
    Have not found many units to consider a brand yet.
    Multi Frio mentioned that they had a Lennox in stock.
    Will update tomorrow as I plan to purchase one.




    Never owned a floor model; hopefully I will have a good experience.
    Any particular models I should avoid?



    I don’t remember, but the ones I have seen had to be vented via a small hose. Check consumer reports, bizrate.com for some real person reviews. Good luck!


    Harvycarp is confused. What he is talking about is not an air conditioner. It’s a water vapor cooler. An air conditioner is an appliance that does not put more water into the room but takes it out. Therefore – yes – it does require an exhaust vent. When I built my house in Turrialba (see Scott’s listing), I told the builder to put 5 inch vents in the walls of each room. These are covered unless nmeeded. If I need A/C I can just connect the exhaust vent to the wall outlet. It works like a window A/C except that you can easily move it from room to room as needed. I don’t think we’ll need A/C but I’m prpared in advance if we do.


    Hola Drushton!

    I was enlightened today on the portable a/c.

    There is a hose in most cases or other equipment to vent.
    With the setup here in our rental apartment, I cannot, without major adjustments, have that type of unit.



    I was speaking with a guy a year ago who built a motel up near Limon. He used to pick up a small air conditioner each time he went home to the US and bring it back as a piece of luggage. Friends and family would have to bring one with them if they came to visit. He said it was worth it even though he had to pay a little extra for the excess weight because he was only paying about $175 each for them.


    I picked up one of those portables at EPA a month ago and find it great for my needs. I had my builder put a vent in each room with a cover that closes it off when not in use. I just move the thing (on wheels) to the room I want to cool and plug it in. I paid $700 for it and I’ll by a second one soon.

    In my next house I will have central air, but this really works well.

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