Problems at Avalon Country Club

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    Fellow Condo Owners in Avalon CC and Scott,

    As a long distance owner and part time resident of Avalon Country Club. I have many concerns about the management and operation of Avalon CC. I am depending on fellow neighbors about current info. of the issues at ACC. From what info I have received recently there has been alot of problems with parties on the weekends going until 4 or 5 am. A clear violation of condo rules.
    Today I was told the water was shutoff because the Avalon mgmt. did not get proper authority to connect to the public water and have not paid Aya the water co. Obviously this is a major problem. Do any other owners have any further info. Scott, I included you in this issue because you are a supporter of this development.


    Hi Don

    1. I spend at least three nights per week at Avalon Country Club – including dinner there later this evening – so I am very familiar with the project and the environment

    2. There are 300’ish apartments so even if each apartment celebrated only one birthday each year and no more, you’re still talking about a lot of parties each year. I know neighbors upstairs had a party last night after the soccer game but they had finished by 11am which was respectable. If someone was partying until 4-5am, I didn’t hear them and I am a very, very light sleeper. If I did hear them, I certainly would not tolerate that until 4am.

    3. The temporary water problem was the fault of the construction company VanDeLaat and not Avalon – as I understand it, there was a problem with the water company (AyA) who had approved a certain sized mains pipe for the project and VanDerLaat had used a different size. Why? I have no idea, but the water is back on.

    We must also remember that although much of the project is finished and many apartments have been delivered, VanDerLaat still has more to complete and deliver to Avalon so like any other construction site, there are going to be glitches.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    This posted in the wrong place and reposted here in the correct lpace by Scott

    Posted Aug 22,2008 11:41 AM gustavot
    Dear Scott & Don,
    Whats Van der Laat got to do with it? Is someone passing the buck again?
    I called the AyA office in Sta. Ana and they told me that there is currently no municipal water service at Avalon Country Club, it has been suspended because the connection by Avalon was illegal and they have not been paid for the water that was taken for many, many months. The engineer in charge of maintenance said he didn’t know where the residents are getting their water, but if it’s coming from the well then it is probably not treated and not potable. Before you starting giving information to people about serious health issues like this, I suggest you do a little more investigating and less regurgitating of what developers tell you. Here is the phone number for the AyA office in Sta. Ana, 2282-5427, 2282-4883 and Marvin Villalobos, depto. comercial, 2223-5555 or you can visit the office located about 300 meters West of the plaza. Are you drinking the water?

    Also, the AyA received a copy of the unsigned letter that was posted on the entry doors of each building at Avalon Country Club, warning residents not to drink the water. When the upper management of AyA called Avalon, they denied knowing anything about the letter. Are you drinking the water? Residents are going to conduct an independent audit to find out what the monthly condo dues have been used for because they include water service. In the meantime, they are not drinking the water.
    Viva Erin Brockovich.

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    message Posted By
    Posted Aug 22,2008 7:18 PM ticopaz
    I think I might take my chances with natural well water myself over AyA… considering of course the placement of the well… And why would you “treat” well water. I have lived off well water for years all over world and never treated it… love my pure untreated well water personally. If I were a resident there I would suggest taking samples of the well water and have them tested. If that comes back clear forget AyA. What a blessing to be water independent… Until then boil it.

    Just a thought


    This story appeared in AM CostaRica today

    If it’s any help to anyone

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