Promotors not developers

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  • #195088

    ‘For example, why would a ‘developer’ who has sold thousands of lots spread out over more than a dozen different ‘projects’ on thousands of acres of land only have five homes built on all of them? Why have they built more gatehouses than houses?

    If you are OK with the idea of sharing your access roads with dozens of trucks, excavation equipment, hundreds of construction workers, constant dust during the dry season and, in the rainy season – lots of mud, then living on a construction site where people could be building their own homes for the next 25 years could be right for you.’

    I am curious as to which developer you are alluding to.


    ‘Slander and defamation are criminal offenses in Costa Rica and not civil offenses which means that people can be locked up for saying things that are considered slanderous or defamatory so please remember this if you see that a comment has been deleted and aren’t sure why.’

    I am curious as to why, with the above statement in mind, you are able to say what you did in your article.


    I think most of us that have been on this site for a while and are familiar with the RE market in CR have a pretty good idea who Scott was talking about… but his comments are overall a generalization of the conduct and actions of MANY developers/promoters here in CR. His article was not intended to place the spotlight or blame on any one person…. it was to inform those that use this site as a resource to make them aware of problems to avoid!

    I don’t think even the most liberal of judges could make a case that Scott’s comments were actionable… nor do I believe that if they were successful in making an argument that the comments were directed at anyone in particular that Scott’s comments were anything but the TRUTH!

    The basis of making a case of slanderous or defamatory conduct is that your intent must be that you are aware that your actions and statements were false (or that you should have known)… and that your intent (or result) was to cause harm. Expressing an honest opinion based on your experience and knowledge does not meet that requirement. Besides… I believe Scott has history on his side as well as the FACTS… both of which mean something in court… even in these times… and even in Costa Rica! Therefore…. I think Scott is quite safe enjoying his freedom! LOL

    Not intended to be a legal opinion or advice…. just some good old common sense! I’m not a lawyer but play one on TV!

    Edited on Feb 20, 2009 10:22


    that wasn’t quite my point/or intention. I was simply saying that to allude to a particular developer without actually naming them is a bit weak really. Kind of like a punch that ends up as a bit of a wet slap!


    I don’t think Scott’s intent was to highlight a particular developer… but rather a particular circumstance that was a good example of the dangers that potential buyers may face. Yes….perhaps it was a bit of a wet slap…. but also a very good general example of the danger signs when dealing with ALL real estate developers/promoters here in Costa Rica.


    fair enough. Maybe I was a bit hasty! It is just a sign of my frustration given the number of property forums that are used solely for the purpose of having sly digs at individuals/developers rather than offering objective opinion.


    I hear you! But I think you’ll find that this site offers so much more than that! Not to say that now and then someone doesn’t get slapped around a bit…when it’s deserved! 🙂 Take a good look at the articles here and these forums… you’ll find them to be the most objective, comprehensive, fair, and informative out there! The vast majority of the folks posting here are people that have something to offer and are willing to share their knowledge and experience… and for me… it’s been the best free education I’ve ever gotten! I’m sure you’ll agree!


    Pedro what’s up with your comment? Any particular motivation as it comes off as a very wet slap….lol.


    pedro- could not agree with you more and since I am A) not familiar with the history here regarding Developers that are not liked for this or that B) Not sure I really care about others opinion, since I believe in my own opinions of people based on my own information, knowledge, etc….

    I can from an outsider looking in see what is meant by things that are said or written…, with that said, there is an obvious jab at a Developer/Person here, of course in my opinion, I think that is pretty cowardly, but no one is asking me, then to hide behind the “making a general opinion bs” — even worse……gives me a slanted view on the author of this post. But of course, don’t know who this person is either and only a first read on this individual……

    However, does seem odd to me that the time to post this did take time out of their precious day and thus see’s this person as a threat to them personally? Again, pure speculation on my end since I have not read all the back mumbo jumbo as of yet….maybe I will, maybe not……not even sure why I read this one to be honest……oh yeah was looking for informative information……..and found this instead.



    I’m sure there are any number of members on this site that could give you quite a long list of developers/promoters that fall into the catagory that Scott detailed in his article. Some might be opinions… other’s based personal experinces… yet others will be from folks with an axe to grind for one reason or another!. The whole idea is… if you apply the points that Scott mentioned when making a choice to invest… you have a better chance of having a good outcome.

    Take the time to read the “back mumbo jumbo” on this site and the forums… both the good and bad… you’ll be better informed and very happy you did!

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