Property Inspections in Costa Rica

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    I recently had a new condominium I was buying inspected prior to completion by Tom Rosenberger. I have bought many properties in the U.S. and typically will have them inspected prior to purchase to disclose problems that need to be rectified. There were a number of things I liked about Tom Rosenberger. I felt that I had a tireless advocate looking out for my best interests. I felt with his experience in the building industry, he might uncover things that someone else with a different skillset might not. His report presented a general overview of Santa Ana where the condo was located, as well the amenities of the development and my condo as well. Likewise, he was careful to point out deficiences where they existed. I also thought Tom was very prompt and responsive on e-mail replies, and with me living in the U.S., this was very important to me. His photos of my property were also a nice touch.

    I would recommend Tom highly to anyone interested in purchasing a condo or home in Costa Rica.


    Thank you for your feedback. I am always very happy to read great things about the professionals we recommend on

    You can read Tom’s article on home inspections at [ ] We will be posting a new article soon …

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Over the past fifteen years, many foreigners have asked me what to look out for when purchasing property in Costa Rica. I always advise that due diligence is necessary, before purchasing property anywhere in the world. People talk about Costa Rica being a third world country, full of potential problems. If you think Costa Rica has problems, read the following story about an Orlando, Florida neighborhood, where residents are living on top of an old bombing practice range. Live bombs have been found on the local school grounds.


    Great story Tom, thanks for putting things into perspective.

    “The first bomb was found last summer next to the Odyssey Middle School track. Since that time, 126 rockets and bombs — with high explosives — have been found on school property, along with other military debris.”

    “You can’t even give this place away right now. I’ve tried to re-finance. … I can’t do anything,” Lamb said.”

    As far as I know, Costa Rica has never had any significant armaments which could surprise a homeowner and of course has has no armed forces for decades but, I know someone who found an arrow head on his property!

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    I just wanted to let the readers of this forum know how very pleased I am with the excellent professional services provided by Mr. Tom Rosenberger. I have used Tom’s services for three inspections for my home being built in the Central Pacific region North of Jaco Beach.

    For all of the readers that are not resident in CR, but are having homes built in CR, I enthusiastically recommend Tom. Tom’s very professional reports are complete with color photographs and detailed descriptions that provided me with valuable information pertaining to the construction of our “Dream” home in CR. Although the developer provides bi-weekly reports of construction progress, it was Tom’s inspection reports that gave me that “warm and fuzzy” feeling that our home is being built up to code and standards without any significant defects. Doing inspections gives valuable professional assessments that allow you to make informed decisions during the building process, and are dollars well spent. I would also like to mention that Tom keeps his customers informed every step along the way to include meeting with the developer and the developer’s contractors when warranted. Tom’s warmth and genuine concern for me felt like I was his only client, but I know he has several others. Tom is a true professional and obviously a master at what he does. If you asked me to rate his thoroughness on a scale from one to ten, I’d have to say 100. He made sure I understood each and every aspect of each inspection from start to finish, and I feel 100% more comfortable about our investment. I will use Tom for another two inspections, and am really looking forward to meeting him in person during the final inspection. He is definitely contributing to our dream of moving to CR when I retire this coming November.


    Terrific feedback – thank you very much – muchisimas gracias – kelvinowensr

    Yet another reason why Tom will be doing the home inspection on a property I will be taking delivery of in September ….

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Thank you Tom!

    Your report was quite extensive and well written This is valuable information for most of us that do not understand the importance of proper roofing installation and all related materials, or when substandard methods are used.

    As you mention, having experienced tradesmen with a vast knowledge of all facets of that most important area of construction is critical to avoid serious problems in the future.

    I hope others in the process of building will contact you for guidance before they encounter a situation similar to that experienced by Ana and myself. It certainly will save them time, money and disappointment.

    I plan to have you visit the site again when the repairs that you reported on are completed.

    Harvey and Ana

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