Puerto Azul

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    I noticed a while back a few big articles about the puntarenas area and the Puerto Azul project. (even an interview with the developer)

    Haven’t seen anything since (unless I missed something). Anybody have any updates on that project? Have they delivered their first units yet or just about to? Last time I drove by there I saw cranes but not a whole lot of activity.

    Are they still selling units or are they sold out already?



    I had a “personality conflict” with one of the principals of the company so we stopped the updates about a year ago.

    Last week I was told that there have been some ‘political’ problems locally and that although they have cleared everything, they have yet to begin construction.

    As you probably know, delays are common place here…

    It might be of interest to note that when I first featured this area on the site, my associate and I walked door to door asking about land and homes for sale along the beach front – Since that time, all of those properties have more than doubled in value and as projected, we are seeing more development in the area…

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Thanks for the update Scott.

    You mention that “we are seeing more development in the area”. You plan on featuring any of those developments?

    Thanks again!


    No I am not, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to cover even 10% of what I want to cover ….


    They are 90% sold out in Tower one. You can go to their web page which was last updated a couple of months ago.www.puertoazulcr.com



    Did you purchase a unit there?

    What can you tell me about your experience with them?



    Yes Jason we did purchase a condo there. So far the experience has been positive, although they are running behind schedule. However, we did expect this when we purchased. If you need more info. you are welcome to get in touch with Scott for my email address, and we can go from there.


    I too, am an owner of a Condo at Puerto Azul. Purchased 18 months ago. Communication has been poor, since they no longer work with reality (VIP) companies in Costa Rica. They deal internationally with Worldwide Destinations, 6451 North Federal,, Highway suite 1200A, Ft Lauderdale, Fl. New owners get a newsletter from Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. to keep them happy.

    Carlos Eden and Jeannette Varela no longer work for Puerto Azul and have been replaced by a hard worker named Ana Casafont Broutin. She replies to e-mail questions of owners.

    Regarding the latest news of Puerto Azul, they have already finished the assembly of the foundation of the Tower 1 and the formwork that will support the concrete foundations. The material for the steel structure is in the country and the supplier is making the key components of the building that will be ruffed out for the tower structure in April. The wall that surrounds the project and the docks are finished.

    Activity construction 24-7 is what I am told. My Costa Rican lawyer has confirmed that PA has their permits that in order now (that is why things were slow)! He said in a brief conversation, that it seems they were “back on track”


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