Purchasing a sailboat

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    Have any other members purchased a sailboat in Costa Rica? I live part-time in Guancaste, and am currently researching sailboat and marina options. I would greatly appreciate any information and advice, that anyone could provide.


    [quote=”Disabled Veteran”]Have any other members purchased a sailboat in Costa Rica? I live part-time in Guancaste, and am currently researching sailboat and marina options. I would greatly appreciate any information and advice, that anyone could provide.[/quote]

    I have a friend that purchased a used 22′ day-sailer and had it shipped in from the States. He paid all the duty, hired an attorney to assist with and file all required registration documents, had the CR Coast Guard inspection and waited for his CR registration. Instead, after several months his attorney received official notice that the boat could not be registered in CR until and unless he could provide legal proof that it had been “de-registered” in the state where he bought it (Louisiana). Then if he could get that document, it had to go through a similar process as applying for registry (Secretary of State’s office for apostile, CR Consulate’s office for authentication, etc.).

    Lesson learned – if you buy a boat in CR make sure it is already registered with and in good standing with CR Coast Guard.

    What size boat are you considering? Also, it won’t take long to research the marina opportunities in Guanacaste, and I don’t think you’ll be happy with your findings!


    Thanks for the information and insight. I plan on purchasing a 42′ or 44′. I am also looking into flagging it in Panama, and just docking in Costa Rica for 90 days, then sailing to Panama or Nicaragua for a few days; then back to Costa Rica.

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