Real Estate Market Update – The booming area

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    grifz77… Silence again when directly asked? I guess that tells me and everyone else what we need to know.


    I think most of the users of this web site are interested in buying Costa Rican properties to live in, not for speculation. Buying residential, single family properties for speculation can be very risky. We bought land and plan to build a small house to live in. Buy what you can afford, for the long term(10 years+) and you’ll be alright. This site does not appear to be aimed at buy and flippers.
    Scott has been quite bearish on the financial markets for quite sometime and did better than most in calling the banking collapse before most. I also think he has presented a very transparent and thrifty project in the building of his country house. This current project clearly shows you can buy land and build a very nice house at a reasonable cost. The fact that he has listed all expenses is very helpful.


    I appreciate the banter between Scott and grifz77. It has been truly entertaining (because of grifz77 mature wit and excellent humor). I see no reason for her to validate her point of view. It’s hers to have. Scott does seem defensive. I can’t see why. Nobody bats a thousand, and he sells real estate so obviously he should be optimistic about what he promotes.

    Scott does a great job at this and is obviously successful at what he does (sold 67 condos to VIP members? – how much commission per sale – let me take my shoes off so I can use my toes to figure that out).

    However, I have seen Scott admonish posters that do not agree with his sense of decorum, or are aggressive. I don’t like that. I think most are adults and we can disagree and be disagreeable, or not, while receiving value and having a little fun.

    You don’t have to win all the time Scott. Being right at the expense of being a gracious host may not be worth it. I have enjoyed some of the loud mouth who no longer post here and get tired of the same group that consistently post here (you guys are coll. It’s just that I’d enjoy wider participation).

    Overall, it’s a great site and I appreciate and am glad to see Scott being successful. But maybe should work a little less (you seem kind of grumpy lately (LOL).


    Grumpy like Clint Eastwood in his movie “Gran Torino”…… 😉
    Like the enemy is everywhere.

    @2BNCR: he’ll need more shoes to put all that commission-money in 😉


    Imxploring, I for some strange reason could not log on yesterday…very strange…I tried to log on just like every other time in the past…except yesterday for some reason…no go.

    I understand why you would like your question answered. However, in following the rule of the forum, I cannot as it may be construed as marketing for the company I work with. What I can say for certain is that there is A LOT of smart money moving into certain parts of the US…and my firm is included in that movement.

    If you would like further information please provide me your email address and I would be more than happy to discuss our investment strategy in greater detail. Unlike the CR market, there is an MLS system in place and plenty of empirical evidence to support our objectives in our chosen market. You don’t have to merely take my word for it…ask prices and sale prices are tracked and can be proven…


    2BNCR, I think you nailed it. Scott is a bright guy. No question. However, he controls the forum…he created it. And as such he has the right to mute any deviation from his best interests.

    I clearly send a message to members that indicates they should wait before making a purchase as I think prices are getting better (in certain parts of the country). I provide what I believe to be solid reasoning for my arguments but because I have not shared a plate of gallo pinto with developers in the central valley…I should not be taken seriously.

    Obviously my views are not going to help Scott turn that 67 into 70. So Scott decided to make the discussion personal and then ban me from the forum for a day. That I can live with but considering that I have broken none of the forum’s rules in my posts, I think it may say something about its moderator.


    grifz77… Fair enough… but I don’t think there is any prohibition about talking about worlwide real estate markets in general on this forum. I’m not looking for you to promote your company/business. Thou you might feel that Scott has unfairly addressed your posting I’m sure he’d have no problem if you have a topic to discuss that involves a comparison between the RE market in CR and some other market (be it the US) that might involve better ROI’s.

    Besides, I’m sure it would provide for some great exchanges and views!

    Thanks again for getting back to me!


    BTW grifz – I recently sold seven figures in CR and invested it in the states. I see CR entering into it bottom the next couple years and then when the up swing in the states cools, it will be back to the CR market.

    However, this is real estate speculating, of which I am guiilty. Real estae is an ugly commodity to speculate, as people need it to live in.

    But since people no longer work for one company their entire lives and retire with a company managed pension, it has created a country of speculators (rather than investors).

    Scott and others bagged on Rich Man Poor Man, however, whne the paradigm was correct many used it to make money – that said, another thing it did do a good job of was pointing ouy the difference betwweb speculating and investing.

    The problem is many people over leveraged their positions, so they could not cover their overhead when the market turned.

    They became speculators instead of investors (greed).

    Right now where I am, you can invest 50K (20% down) and rent it for 1900 a month. Do the math. It shows a nice cash flow (which makes it an investment ve specualtion, where you might endure a negative to hold out for the appreciation) Speculation is a nice word for gambling.

    But its all a gamble.

    Scott, please dont run off the smart people for being smart – even if they are disagreeable or contrary to your opinion.

    It’s people like grifz77 that me me want to contribute to the fourm. Most people here seem to drink the same kool-aide (informative but boring ).

    BTW 77 – is that your birth date?


    Imxploring…the market my firm works in is the greater Phoenix market. We have a very specialized strategy and thus far it seems to have been doing very well. We are in the process of raising $45MM CAD and the fund has been very well received thus far. Judging by some of Scott’s comments, he knows the precise nature of our fund. Annual cash on cash returns north of 20%.

    Now I know what you are thinking…”Phoenix? That’s one of the foreclosure epicenters.” You are correct. However, they were one of the markets that led the US into this mess…and they will lead the housing recovery. If any of you have access to the Cromford Report (I am in no way associated with this group) it is loaded with factual analysis of MLS data.


    2BNCR, nice call! Brilliant to sell the CR assets and put it back into distressed US assets. CR is a great country and a lovely place to be…but yet still a tertiary real estate market at best.

    For those wishing to invest in USD…there are several US markets that are attractive.

    2BNCR, I appreciate your support for a dissenting opinion. Sometimes I find that critical thinking is an all too scarce ability. Its no wonder the world’s in the mess it is.

    And yes…among other things…77 does represent my year of birth. Why do you ask?


    No doubt there’s profits to be made looking at some of the US markets that have been beat down the worst. I’m not sure of what segment you’re investing in but deep pockets with the ability to ride out this economy will do well in the LONG TERM. That idea applies to all the markets out there. The US market has some real pain to go through… and besides the real estate market there some real social and economic problems to be worked out. Any concern about your area of investment and water issues?

    Good luck on your venture…


    Imxploring, the developments we are focused on have proven a 100 year water supply which well encompasses our investment horizon. There are several water projects in the area and the city sits on a major aquifer which will be tapped at some point in the future, at a premium I am sure. Nevertheless, 50 years ago Phoenix wasn’t in the top 50 of America’s most populated metropolitan areas…today its 5th. Certainly there are rough times ahead for America, in many different facets. But lets remember, this is America and through times of weakness comes opportunity.



    I like your sesibility and knowledge. But what is the interest you have in CR? Do you own here?


    We have owned property there. We do not right now. But intend to in the future.

    Like you, we will look for opportunity in the US right now but will someday return to CR.

    In addition, like all of you, I too do in fact love that small but beautiful country and fully understand why all expats whom have chosen to live there have done so.


    I guess from the investment standpoint… there’s going to be those of us that look at CR as a straight out business investment… and those of us that look at it as a vacation/retirement investment. While I see that there are no doubt some good possibilities in the US right now… CR makes more sense in my mind.

    CR provides so many other advantages then just a business investment. That itself can not be said about many of the areas in the US.

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