Recommended Costa Rica tours?

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    Hello, (I hope this message doesn’t appear twice as it disappeared when I pressed preview.) We are leaving for Costa Rica on June 22nd and returning July 1st. This trip was to include our daughter, son-in-law, two grandsons, my husband and myself. As of today my grandsons still do not have their passports and trying to find out if they will arrive on time is impossible. Our daughter and son-in-law have decided not to go if the boys can’t go too. They have been to Costa Rica before and were going to be our tour guides and no, we don’t speak Spanish. Sooo….. this is my question. If needed, is there an organization or list somewhere that posts tours that are available? We would need a tour that includes hotels. I have searched a couple of tour companies but at this late date they are booked. Thanks for any info.
    Sharon B.


    You have any idea what areas in the country you are interested seeing and what kind of tours interest you ? Your daughter can probably tell you what she had planned. I have friends that manage Costa Rica Express, the oldest travel agency in Costa Rica, they handle tours as well, I can put you in touch if you need it, there English is so so.


    my advice is to hire a guide driver they know the country pretty well , they provide the transportation, the tours and knowledge of the best areas of costa rica , plus things to do and see .they would pick you up at the airport and drop you off there too.
    my suggestion : jonathan sedo a certified tour guide in costa rica excellent guide- driver , he can put together an itinerary for you and family .great guy and speaks fluent english .
    his contact info

    pura vida and good luck…


    Contact Avispas Adventures in Guanacaste, I have heard very good things from the guests in my resort. Here’s the link where you may check out the tours that are available The difference between them and other agencies like TAM, Swiss Travel and CAT is that they provide tours with groups of 8 people or less so they are more personalized and custom made. Hope this helps.


    Looks like you have some choices to contact. Henry Badilla at Costa Rica Express speaks English, doesn´t hurt to ask for a quote on tour packages .


    THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU. You have given me some great information and I am writing it all down. Today is Tuesday and still no passports although after waiting on hold for 45 minutes my daughter got to talk to a human being. She was told they are working on them now. Can you believe it? Thirteen weeks and they are down to the wire.

    We will be going to the typical tourist areas such as the volcano, rain forest, and beach but are also hoping to go off the beaten path somewhat.

    Thanks again,

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