Recommended Developers in Costa Rica

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    I have been sent info from Paragon and Costa Developers. I came here and there is alot of negative info on them. Are there any companies that have a proven track record? I am looking to buy property in a gated community by the beach with an ocean view.

    Edited on Mar 07, 2007 04:34


    We do recommend a number of *experienced* developers with a *proven* track record of delivering a *quality* real estate product in Costa Rica on this website

    Since this is a very big little country with 631 miles of beaches on the Pacific coast, we created a Help-U-Search page where you can give me a little bit of information about yourself and what you are looking for and then I will recommend a professional real estate agent that will help you find exactly what you are looking for …

    You can find the Help-U-Search page at

    Hope this helps mmerci1

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    I’d be interested in hearing what negative things you heard about Costa Developers because I was impressed by their sales people and was thinking of looking into some properties they have..I was not impressed with Paragon at all and felt they were not professional on the phone when I contacted them, I have since heard some very negative things about that company. Please feel free to contact me about this (or anthing else costa rica :)for that matter, looking forward to seing your reply,

    Artie Giordano

    This is the link that I read the reviews about Costa on.

    Edited on Mar 07, 2007 10:00


    Well Artie, Paragon and Costa do provide some entertainment for the board at least once a month or so. Now, not to be too much of a “sleuth” as you refer to the members of this board I have to ask the following. In the post above ( Around 9:00 AM )you say you’re thinking of looking into some properties from Costa Developers, and further down the board in another discussion ( Around 10:00 AM. )you say you’re the proud owner of 3 beautiful lots from Costa.

    So Artie, What was the key factor that tipped the scales during this hour of Due Diligence? And by the way, you should write an article for the board, you got a lot of work done in one hour. It took me quite a bit longer to purchase property and I’d like to know how I could have saved some time.


    you are correct. At first I didn’t want to say too much because I wasn’t sure how much I should reveal about myself and personal business and I was hoping for some candid comments(replies) but then I saw that this topic was talked about regularly and after reading further I realized that it was okay to mention companies and people by name etc. and so I felt more comfortable. I do in fact own property at Esterillos, 3 lots, purchased them in December 06. As far as due dilligence I did research this subject for abour 3-4 months before sending my deposit for the first lot and when i went down to inspect my wife and I decided to purchase 2 more because we felt the dicount was substantial and that we could make some decent profit off of the property in the next few years. To address the “Sleuth” quote I made, I was only making a point about the negativity and did not intend for the comment to insult anyone and if I did I am sorry. I just don’t understand all the negative comments people are making and many who are making these comments have no idea what they are talking about since most have not actually been to CR or the properties they are commenting on, do you understand what I mean? I appreciate you addressing me in this forum and hope you will continue to write to me again, thanks for your thoughts,

    Artie Giordano


    Hi, please let me know what you have heard about Paragon Properties. I have reserved a 2.5 acre lot in the development of Punte Verde near Manuel Antonio with them for $60K. I would like to find out if that is a good investment or not. Do you know of a better deal? Thanks, Marc.


    Hola all! I have just recently joined this site and am interested in purchasing something for investment/vacation home that I could also rent out to help support the property. I have heard that if you use American developers you pay much more. Are most of the developers menioned in this site American based or not? I know I should also check out La National paper, I also think a condo might be a better idea as it may be more attactive to renters even tho in my fantasies I see myself cavorting through the mountain forests and streams 🙂 …anyone…anyone?

    Katalina from Boston


    I can’t think of a single American developer that we have recommended on this site. One Canadian developer but the rest are from south of the US border…

    There is an enormous difference between the experienced developers who buy land and have a proven track record of building homes in Costa Rica thta have been recommended on this site and these other companies mentioned that buy land and sell it and combined have not built 20 homes…

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Thanks Scott! That’s the answer I was hoping for. A friend of mine is going to San Jose next Monday to look for condos and I sent him this website. I did say the developers recommended seemed to be Costa Rican, not American but told him to join the site and read up! I am looking into coming down in a few weeks if possible and hopefully spending some time south of San Jose. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!


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