Relative Relocation T Costa Rica

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    How difficult is it to bring relatives to Cost Rica?
    Are there any special visa requirements?


    Everyone that comes to live in Costa Rica should have the necessary legal residence status to live here, whether that is the spouse of the resident or the daughter. This is typically not a problem.

    What do you mean by ‘special’?

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Scott I was referring to a resident’s parents, brother or sister. etc.

    By special I mean would the relative be subjected to meet minimum visa requirements for a permanent legal resident?
    By the way thanks all the quality info; I won’t dare try to purchase without contacting your preferred contacts first.


    It sounds like you’re confusing visas with residency. Visas are more-less short term permissions to be in the country for tourism or other legitimate purposes. Getting a visa would have nothing to do with whether one had a relative already in Costa Rica. If you have a legitimate reason to be here, you can come in.

    Legal residency is granted to those who meet one of a set of conditions and permits the person to remain in-country pretty much indefinitely, maybe subject to acceptable behavior. Outside one’s nuclear family (spouses and minor children), I don’t think there’s any advantage to being the relative of a legal resident for either visa or residency purposes.

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