Renting my House in Costa Rica

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  • #181837

    We are in the early stages of puchasing a house in Atenas
    We probably would not move to Costa Rica for a couple of years.Would stay for a few weeks per year.
    The house is very secure(I was told and observed) and owner left it for months at a time- Ideally I would like to rent the house to someone who is building a house or wants to rent in Costa Rica.
    How difficult would that be – It is a 3 Bedroom house with Private Pool.- Fully furnished. I am sure I can find someone to manage the property. Maybe I am buying too early but the price is good and love Atenas and the area. ANY THOUGHTS ?


    We purchased a home for similar reasons and hired a property manager. We also list the home on (a vacation home website), we market the home as a vacation rental, but would give discounts for longer terms…

    Keep the pricing low enough to keep the home rented but high enough to cover your cost and discourage poor tenants….

    Learn the market….see what other homes are going for on or other similar sights…you can call me direct if you would like….

    I have NO experience with the Atenas area, but my wife and I are property managers in the US… and own two properties in Samara…you can contact us thru our website


    Very Helpful
    Thanks so much


    we, too, have invested in atenas. i am currently living in there part time until we are ready to retire. we have rented the house on a few occasions but we chose not to rent it on a longer term basis. we wanted to have the freedoom to come and go as we please and with the interest level from family and friends who want to experience CR, we should have a pretty good use of the house. however, i wouldn’t be too naive to leave the house unoccupied or empty for months at a time without somebody taking care of it, or at the least watch it. for the cost of a home insurance policy, we have asked a local couple with 2 kids to watch the house for us. in exchange, they keep the house cleaned and maintained as well as the yard trimmed, utilities paid, plants and trees watered. likewise, we have made the house available to them but ready to move at a moments’s notice to accommodate friends and relatives visitng CR. they are happy and so are we. pura vida!


    We are in a position that we may be very interested in renting a home in Atenas and it may be very soon.
    We planned to move from US to Atenas next Spring, however things are moving much quicker than we thought. And in fact, VERY quickly.
    We found a home we really liked in RocaVerda, however it was sold hours after we looked at it. We would be interested in discussion.


    Call me at 510-543-5500
    Where do you live?

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