Required to report to Social Security when you leave the United States for more than 30 days?

Home Forums Costa Rica Living Forum Required to report to Social Security when you leave the United States for more than 30 days?

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    We have an account in the US and access it easily using an ATM. With a charge, naturally.


    [quote=”ddspell12″]I’m a little confused. If I have my direct deposit going to my bank in US but living Costa Rica will I still be able to access funds from my account using ATM’s?[/quote]

    Victoria is correct. You will be able to withdraw funds from your U.S. account via Costa Rican ATMs. Just be certain to tell your U.S. bank that you will be using the ATMs here so you don’t get snarled up in their security system.


    [quote=”Scott”][quote=”maravilla”]oh, yes, and if you don’t report and if they don’t have a number to reach you, they will cut your benefits until you check in. i spent exactly one hour on the phone changing an address last week. the poor woman kept asking me which STATE costa rica was next to. i had to give her a geography lesson. she had never heard of costa rica. you can call the 800 number and do this over the phone, but after my ordeal, going to the embajada might be easier.[/quote]

    SOmeone actually asked you [b]”…which STATE costa rica was next to…” [/b] ???

    You’re not kidding either are you Maravilla?

    granted, I have always been a bit of a nerd on history and geography, true, but yeah, the USA education system and the average ambition of the USA citizen to learn, is that bad. Not sure about Brits, hope some better, but…….I find the most ignorant are usually more often to cheer the arrogance of USA foreign policy, though not always, some just plain dumb….


    I’ve been here for 4yrs now and bank with HSBC in the US, they have branch’s all over the world, I’ve had no problems with my SocSec cash,I have an HSBC account here with my Tica esposa of 4yrs,withdraw from one & deposit in the other, no problems ! Waiting now for residency papers to clear and passport renewal to be completed. HSBC is a world wide bank, the one here uses the same routing # as the main one in New York, I can use any atm here to get my cash minus the fees,real simple. I maintain an address in the US with my brother in Calif who has Power of Atty for the family and can sign my name if need be. Semper Fi !!

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