Residency through a Reforestation Program

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    Keep on searchng – its out there somewhere. I could give you some hints but that would make it too easy. Eran your star my friend! Anyways it’s good for your CR education to search around. You learn more that way.


    ‘You own one hectare of property and all the trees on it. Expensive piece of land, and possibly in the middle of other peoples ‘farm’s’. No power, etc and no guarantee that this area is a ‘good area for teak’.
    Many deserted teak farms in Guanacaste. And it will probably take longer than 7 years. More like 12-15.
    Buyer beware!


    I wonder how access is provided to your hectare of teak in the middle of 250/300 hectares? Are there are acccess (servidumbres) to all of the plots? Might be a nightmare. Marketing might also be a problem because I think only a sawn product can be exported. No whole logs.


    I have one question for you guys who are putting the pencil to this “land deal.” How else are you going to legaly get immeadiate permanent residency in Costa Rica that allows you to work at any job? I doubt if the doubting Thomases can ansewer this one.

    The point is you are buying immeadiate permanent residency as much as buying the land.

    Nobody is insinuating that this is land to live on… It a hec in the middle of a teak plantation. In years it should pay for itself and more.

    There is no misdirection here.

    I guess you could alwyas spend $250K and do it yourself on your land with electric and whatever, but without the “pre-approved” part, you only recievce probationary residency under the permanent resident catagory. Not permanent residency.

    You still have to wait three years to have the status adjusted to permanent.


    Did that penitrate?


    This same subject matter was discussed further down the pages. It asked whether anyone has ever used this method, successfully, as well on other forums. I have never seen anyone reply with a positive response.
    What bothers me with this ‘program’ is one that I have stated before, you are ‘purchasing part of a teak farm’, and this is not reforestation.


    It’s generating a mono culture which is typically considered reforestation. Its is not creating a secondary forest. I suppose you would perfer deforested pasture land instead? It’s not a perfect deal, but what is? And if you continue to look at its imperfections, I am sure you will find some – just like anything else.


    I definitely do not want to see and have no idea why you would write “I suppose you would prefer deforested pasture land instead?”
    If someone has a large property ICE will give you thousands of native wood trees for free. We have taken advantage of this program and have added thousands of trees where we live, plus the thousand or so of mixed species, including fruit trees, we have purchased or grown from seed.
    While it could be good for some to get permanent residency with it, my point was “It asked whether anyone has ever used this method, successfully, as well on other forums. I have never seen anyone reply with a positive response.
    Have you actually spoken to someone who has obtained residency this way? Other than the ‘salesman’.
    Personally, I do not like anyone to be taken advantage of, and would hate to hear that they had ‘forked out’ their funds and have been left in the lurch’ so to speak. This is why I am not in favor of this way to try to obtain residency.

    *BTW have you ever noticed how many teak farms are for sale with a reasonably low price tag for the size?

    Edited on May 14, 2009 09:03

    Edited on May 14, 2009 09:04


    I have no idea why you write “its not reforestation.”

    By the common definition it most certainly is.

    Maybe you would like to enlighten us as to how else one can obtain immeadiate permanent residency and work at any job?

    I am all ears…. or should I say “eyes.”


    I do not understand your thinking. You wrote “Maybe you would like to enlighten us as to how else one can obtain immeadiate permanent residency and work at any job”? Where did I write anything about this?
    I wrote “While it could be good for some to get permanent residency with it, my point was “It asked whether anyone has ever used this method, successfully, as well on other forums. I have never seen anyone reply with a positive response”.
    Nothing negative at all.
    I also asked you “Have you actually spoken to someone who has obtained residency this way”? You did not answer my question.


    Yes I have.


    2BNCR, I tried the email you offered earlier and it is dead. Do you have a current email? I have found another source , but it is for the full $100,000 up front. Kevin


    If you look at one of the three online Costa Rican newspapers for ex-pats, 26th June, ’09 there is an negative article written about one the tree farms offering to grow ‘your’ trees. Unfortunately, I cannot post the link.

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