Rude treatment by Costa Developers

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    Just giving a heads-up to anyone considering doing business with Costa Developers (which has a link on We Love Costa Rica).

    I placed an interest post on their website and was contacted the next morning by a representative. He was very pushy and made it clear that if I wasn’t going to do it “their way”, he wasn’t going to send the material.

    After agreeing to make a telephone appointment to discuss the material, I was “allowed” to receive their advertising packet. Calling me at the appointed date, after I had a chance to review the material, the salesman, Larry Sobol, told me that they had a “program” that I was required to follow.

    When I told this pushy guy that there was no way I was going to spend two days, which included staying in the hotel of their choice in San Jose, with them on my upcoming visit to Costa Rica, he promptly hung up on me.

    Their development sounds nice, but their tactics are despicable. Just thought I’d warn those interested in dealing with them that their salespeople are a really ugly group with which to deal. A cautious good luck to you.


    I can assure you that ‘Costa Developers’ and all companies I consider to be similar to them (200 of them) are blocked and have been blocked from all Google advertising on my website for a long time.

    If anyone ever sees any advertisements from Costa Developers on this site, that would mean that they have created another website which is possible as many of these firms have half a dozen different sites. (And please email me with the details if you do…)

    Please note that I do NOT choose which advertisements Google places on my site but I do spend many hours per week checking them out to make sure they are OK.

    As for “doing it their way,” well that just shows how customer focused they are doesn’t it?

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    I’ve had nothing but the nicest treatment from Costa Developers. I really liked that they wanted me to come out and check things out, and that they have a specific way of doing things. Maybe I just got a great salesman?


    Sounds like he was a great salesman. Especially if you purchased a lot, I’d say he did his job well.


    The sales people i talked to, 3 different ones were all basically rude and 2 of them ,one by the name of Jim was downright obnoxious, a big know it all and less than honest. I can’t say that everyone there is a moron but I would watch out for these guys and be very careful,I know I won’t be doing any bussiness with them.

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