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- This topic has 1 reply, 6 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by
January 30, 2015 at 12:00 am #162409
ParticipantDoes anyone have any new info on the disapperence of Ryan Piercy. I have not been able to find anything new for several days in English or Spanish news. Strange situation!!!
January 30, 2015 at 4:00 pm #162410costaricafinca
ParticipantNo new information, due to a news ‘blackout’ so we are still hoping for a good outcome.
January 30, 2015 at 4:14 pm #162411Andrew
KeymasterMy gut feeling tells me that there is some sort of a news blackout in effect with regards to this tragic event. I would not like to speculate more …
Since this is an ongoing investigation and a very disturbing state of affairs for the families involved I would ask that we are very careful and respectful with what we say here in this thread.
February 17, 2015 at 5:00 pm #162412orcas0606
ParticipantI repeat myself as some time has passed “y nada” ???
[quote=”orcas0606″]Does anyone have any new info on the disapperence of Ryan Piercy. I have not been able to find anything new for several days in English or Spanish news. Strange situation!!![/quote]
February 17, 2015 at 5:49 pm #162413Andrew
KeymasterThere has been more news but I am really uncomfortable posting this here while this is an ongoing investigation.
February 22, 2015 at 4:05 pm #162414Andrew
KeymasterRyan Piercy has been released and he is safe, I’m sure we’ll be seeing lots of news on this story tomorrow…
February 22, 2015 at 4:57 pm #162415costaricafinca
Participant[b]Sooo [/b]glad to hear this news! [img]http://freesmileyface.net/smiley/respect/respect-059.gif[/img]
February 22, 2015 at 5:07 pm #162416davidd
were you not kidnapped yourself a few years ago by some amazon women.. they held you as a sex slave or something until they screamed “UNCLE”??
February 23, 2015 at 1:15 pm #162417Andrew
were you not kidnapped yourself a few years ago by some amazon women.. they held you as a sex slave or something until they screamed “UNCLE”??
I was kind of hoping that nobody would bring that up davidd… I am a married man now … 🙄
February 24, 2015 at 4:02 pm #162418Andrew
KeymasterSpanish speakers can read the [url=http://www.nacion.com/sucesos/seguridad/Familia-pago-liberacion-canadiense_0_1471652845.html]La Nacion article[/url] about Ryan Piercy here.
Must confess that it’s a strange story and now a well publicized international incident with many unanswered questions and, I hope for his family’s sake that this has a happy conclusion and that the police are able to round up and convict the guilty parties otherwise, we could see some copycats coming along which really would be catastrophic.
English speakers can [url=https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/Familia%20pag%C3%B3%20%2420.000%20por%20liberaci%C3%B3n%20de%20canadiense%0A%0ALa%20familia%20de%20un%20inversionista%20canadiense%2C%20quien%20supuestamente%20fue%20secuestrado%20hace%20un%20mes%2C%20pag%C3%B3%20unos%20%2420.000%20(%C2%A210%20millones)%20por%20su%20liberaci%C3%B3n%2C%20pese%20a%20que%20en%20un%20principio%20se%20le%20hab%C3%ADa%20exigido%20la%20entrega%20de%20%24500.000%20(%C2%A2250%20millones)%20como%20rescate.%0A%0AEl%20dinero%20fue%20depositado%20en%20una%20cuenta%20en%20el%20extranjero%20y%20no%20en%20moneda%20virtual%20bitc%C3%B3in%2C%20como%20tambi%C3%A9n%20hab%C3%ADan%20pedido%20anteriormente%20los%20captores.%0A%0AEsta%20informaci%C3%B3n%20la%20dio%20a%20conocer%20ayer%20el%20director%20del%20Organismo%20de%20Investigaci%C3%B3n%20Judicial%20(OIJ)%2C%20Francisco%20Segura%2C%20luego%20de%20que%20a%20medianoche%20del%20s%C3%A1bado%2C%20el%20empresario%20Ryan%20Criag%20Piercy%20Bate%2C%20de%2045%20a%C3%B1os%2C%20lleg%C3%B3%20a%20su%20casa%2C%20en%20Sabana%20Sur%20de%20San%20Jos%C3%A9%2C%20a%20bordo%20de%20un%20taxi.%0A%0APiercy%2C%20quien%20es%20nacionalizado%20costarricense%2C%20aleg%C3%B3%20que%20estuvo%20amarrado%20a%20la%20intemperie.%20Ayer%2C%20el%20OIJ%20lo%20traslad%C3%B3%20a%20la%20Medicatura%20Forense%2C%20para%20%E2%80%9Cver%20si%20presenta%20lesiones%20y%20si%20la%20versi%C3%B3n%20que%20brind%C3%B3%20coincide%20con%20su%20estado%20de%20salud%E2%80%9D%2C%20explic%C3%B3%20Segura.%0A%0A%E2%80%9C%C3%89l%20toc%C3%B3%20la%20puerta%20de%20su%20casa%20y%20a%20todos%20nos%20sorprendi%C3%B3%2C%20incluso%20a%20su%20familia%E2%80%9D%2C%20manifest%C3%B3%20el%20jefe%20policial%2C%20quien%20agreg%C3%B3%20que%20la%20Polic%C3%ADa%20estuvo%20colaborando%20con%20los%20familiares%20durante%20el%20tiempo%20del%20aparente%20secuestro.%0A%0ASegura%20aclar%C3%B3%20que%20no%20lo%20entrevistaron%20a%20fondo%20porque%20%E2%80%9Cviene%20de%20una%20situaci%C3%B3n%20traum%C3%A1tica%E2%80%9D%2C%20y%20que%2C%20por%20ello%2C%20la%20Polic%C3%ADa%20no%20puede%20asegurar%20todav%C3%ADa%20que%20se%20haya%20tratado%20de%20un%20secuestro.%0A%0A%E2%80%9CAhora%20tenemos%20que%20ver%20si%20sabe%20d%C3%B3nde%20estuvo%20y%20otras%20cosas%E2%80%9D%2C%20enfatiz%C3%B3.%0A%0APiercy%20desapareci%C3%B3%20el%2020%20de%20enero%2C%20cuando%20el%20auto%20de%20su%20esposa%2C%20en%20el%20que%20viajaba%2C%20fue%20hallado%20en%20la%20ruta%2032%2C%20por%20el%20antiguo%20restaurante%20Siete%20Mares%2C%20en%20San%20Luis%20de%20Santo%20Domingo%20de%20Heredia.%0A%0APedido%20dif%C3%ADcil.%20Seg%C3%BAn%20explic%C3%B3%20Segura%2C%20las%20exigencias%20iniciales%20de%20los%20delincuentes%20eran%20dif%C3%ADciles%20de%20cumplir%20pues%20en%20el%20mercado%20existe%20un%20monto%20determinado%20de%20moneda%20virtual.%0A%0A%E2%80%9CHay%20que%20comprar%20a%20alguien%20que%20tenga%20(bitc%C3%B3in)%20y%20hacer%20una%20billetera%20electr%C3%B3nica.%20(Los%20delincuentes)%20quisieron%20innovar%20y%20no%20hab%C3%ADan%20hecho%20investigaci%C3%B3n%20al%20respecto%E2%80%9D%2C%20detall%C3%B3.%0A%0AEl%20director%20del%20OIJ%20agreg%C3%B3%20que%2C%20para%20atender%20esta%20situaci%C3%B3n%2C%20vinieron%20agentes%20de%20la%20Polic%C3%ADa%20Internacional%20(Interpol).%20%E2%80%9CEllos%20nunca%20hab%C3%ADan%20visto%20una%20negociaci%C3%B3n%20como%20esta%E2%80%9D%2C%20coment%C3%B3.%0A%0ADebido%20a%20las%20limitaciones%2C%20el%20dep%C3%B3sito%20de%20dinero%20se%20hizo%20en%20una%20cuenta%20bancaria.%0A%0AComo%20parte%20de%20las%20negociaciones%2C%20los%20supuestos%20secuestradores%20hab%C3%ADan%20enviado%20algunas%20fotograf%C3%ADas%20de%20Piercy.]read the Google Translate version here[/url] – Please bearing in mind that the translated version is rarely 100% accurate
February 24, 2015 at 5:29 pm #162419davidd
Your 100% correct about this. If this seems like a profitable criminal venture.. then you know these events could very well escalate.
I hope this is not the case
A tip.. for people moving down here
do NOT look like you come from money and keep your american opinions to yourself
It does not matter if you are a legal resident or not and you pay taxes.. etc
February 24, 2015 at 6:04 pm #162420pharg
English speakers can [url=https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/Familia%C3%ADas%20de%20Piercy.]read the Google Translate version here[/url] – Please bearing in mind that the translated version is rarely 100% accurate
[/quote]A very serious situation indeed copycat kidnapping is sure to follow. – but despite this appalling event I had to laugh at the Google translate version of the story. Not 100%? I’d say 50-60% is closer Even with my lousy Spanish the original version read much better. About the same as other flawed translators.
PEHFebruary 24, 2015 at 6:06 pm #162421davidd
Thank goodness that google translate poorly.. because this same weakness I exploit using sites translated in Spanish 🙂
English speakers can [url=https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/Familia%C3%ADas%20de%20Piercy.]read the Google Translate version here[/url] – Please bearing in mind that the translated version is rarely 100% accurate
[/quote]A very serious situation indeed copycat kidnapping is sure to follow. – but despite this appalling event I had to laugh at the Google translate version of the story. Not 100%? I’d say 50-60% is closer Even with my lousy Spanish the original version read much better. About the same as other flawed translators.
PEH[/quote]March 11, 2015 at 9:58 pm #162422sueandchris
were you not kidnapped yourself a few years ago by some amazon women.. they held you as a sex slave or something until they screamed “UNCLE”??
I was kind of hoping that nobody would bring that up davidd… I am a married man now … 🙄
Well, as my husband Chris used to say “As a married man I can’t sit down to the meal but it sure doesn’t mean I can’t read the menu!”
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