Saving Lives at the Beach – Here’s a question

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    Ok, here’s a question.

    If comfortable inflatable life vests were available as a rental through the life guard stations/programs (say $10/day), do you think people would rent them/wear them?

    The rentals could help pay for the expenses of these programs and would be an on-going source of revenue to help pay lifeguard salaries/build new towers/develop new lifeguard programs.


    Americans with money do not wear them here in the states when they OWN them. I am a sea kayaker and I tie mine down on the stern deck. I doubt a Tico would pay a day’s wages to rent a personal floatation device. Tourists who are told the water is dangerous enough to warrant renting and wearing a PFD would probably just not bother to go in the water….and they would be right not to do so. And any life guard who let swimmers go into dangerous water, with or without a PFD, is not doing his/her job.


    If the rental price would be too high, it could be adjusted to say…$5.00 per day
    (20 rentals would pay for the vest, it would just take twice as long). Having been a
    sailor all of my life I agree with you that people do not wear inflatable PFDs on boats (they feel invincible-I’m up here on a boat and the waters down there).If the water was too dangerous most prudent people would stay out. It’s the in between scenarios that unfortunately sucker most people in due to a faulty judgement call. I think that “Joe” and his family from Nebraska (who have never seen or been near the ocean) would gladly
    plunk down $20 to assure his families safety, and there are plenty of “Joes” that
    visit the beaches of Costa Rica, and unfortunately end up drowning due to a lack of
    survival skills in the ocean. If it were possible to ask, I wonder what would be
    the replies of the many people who have drowned wether they would have liked to
    have had a life vest on.


    Your thoughts concerning the price to a Tico are well founded-they would get
    a citizens discount-1000 colones per day per vest. After the vests are paid for
    (might even be able to get them donated by manufacturer), any revenue would be
    better than none, with proceeds going to the individual communities life guard



    Posted Aug 03,2008 11:37 AM Chetohrt

    One thing I’m learning from the Ticos is to always take the simplest solution available.

    I can see that the PFD concept is too high tech, and they might not be worn because of the “Look like a Dork” factor. So, how about this?

    Get (10) Boogie Boards with arm leashes bought/donated to the Lifeguard associations
    (In my case Puerto Viejo). People could rent them for say ($3.00-$5.00 per day) from the
    lifeguard stations. By definition they would be personal flotation devices, and people could have fun at the same time. The lifeguard association could then generate $30-$50 day as ongoing revenue, and safety would be greatly enhanced.

    I’ll be going down to Puerto Viejo in September (probably with a load of Boogie Boards marked “Property of Puerto Viejo Lifeguard Association”) and will attempt to start a pilot program, and will keep the forum informed.

    If successful, in other beach areas, maybe someone else might like to get involved?

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