Shipping to Costa Rica

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 8 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by deb.
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    Since our furniture was older we opted for an auction in the US. However, I am trying to figure out how to get as much of the little stuff that we take so granted (linens, soaps,dvds,etc)there at the cheapest rate. Forgive my ignorance but I haven’t quite gotten a handle on when customs, taxes, etc, etc comes into play. I know I can pay to have extra suitcase flown with me at around 100.ea. Will I also pay taxes, etc when I get to Costa Rica? I also considered sending boxes ahead (spouse already there) via UPS. Does anyone know which is cheaper?????? HELP!!


    Take as much stuff with you on the plane as you can. Shipping via UPS is very expensive, otherwise check out an international mover for a rate on a smaller shipment than a container. We got a quote of a crate 6 x 6 x 6 feet for around $2500, plus duties, but since everything we will eventually ship is used and for personal use, the duties should be very low. Why would you ship soap?


    I don’t have a first hand answer for you, so you might have to do some of your own investigation. We met a Tica last year who had moved back to CR after 20 years in the US. She shipped numerous boxes of possessions as air freight via Taca out of Miami for a relatively nominal sum. I can’t tell you what she paid, but it worked out to far less per cubic foot than $2500 for a 6x6x6 palet.
    Bueno suerte,


    Deb, When Gringos come through airport customs, they are usually just waved through, especially if it’s busy. Sometimes you are randomly chosen for a look see, and if you bring in extra baggage, expect to be scrutinized. Unless you’re bringing in diamonds, the worst that will happen is they’ll stamp “bonificación” in your passport which states that you received an import tax exemption for $500 worth of articles (whether it’s more or less valuable than that doesn’t matter, although it’s helpful to estimate the value of the items you’re bringing in at $500). You get the same exemption whenever you enter the country, as long as the time between bonificaciones is 6 months or longer.


    Deb; I would suggest contacting a company called Servex International S.A.. Talk or email Carlos Bravo. or telephone 506-253-1152
    I have referred many many people to him and his company. Not 1 complaint over the years.
    He will advise you of method of shipping, what to bring or not to bring, what to expect time wise etc.
    It will be worth your time contacting him


    I noticed the airlines are cracking down a bit. Embargos I think they’re calling it. So check. I just dropped my daughter off at Continental and they rejected her 3rd checked in bag(they usually charge about $70 or $80 per extra bag over 2) and made us take out things from the other two to get them down around 50lbs. Then, (get this!) we are left with all these things on the floor that won’t fit into the 3rd bag I have to drag back to my house before going to the office that morning. I ask for a bag (expecting a plastic garbage bag or something) and they tell me I’ll have to pay for it. All they have is a stack of Continental carry-on bags for $30 US. Here we are in a Canadian airport and we have to pay them in US funds for a bag so I can haul the stuff from her bag to my car in the parking lot! She explained to me as I dragged the stuff away “in case you were thinking about it, sir, no refunds on the bag!” Not like the old days, flying, is it?


    Airlines are generally lenient with regard to luggage limits, unless the flight is fully booked and space & weight become critical issues.


    And as long as you are willing to pay overweight charges. It still seems like the cheapest way to get stuff to CR. We’re bringing the mosaic Monet mural for our bathroom — 3 boxes that weigh 66 pounds each, so that’s only $25 extra per box. Would’ve cost $1000 to ship it UPS (and then there’s customs to deal with).


    I would call the airlines and ask if you can bring those boxes on that flight if I were you. There are times when at least Continental and probably the others will not accept anything but the two plus one carry on. High travel times – check for sure. We got burned at Christmas but that was flying out of Canada. Perhaps US departures are different.

    I read somewhere that the airlines have figured out that extra weight = increased fuel charges that so they plan on continuing to crack down and stick it to the passenger. I never fly anything other than coach so it may be different for those who can afford business class.


    In the past week, a friend has flown to Costa Rica. He tried to check a third bag (and pay for it) and an oversize bag. The airline said a flat “NO!” to both. His only option was to purchase a $40 bag from them, pack the most essential stuff, and send the rest home with the friend who drove him to the airport.

    So, beware!


    I called the airlines to make sure we could take overweight bags, and pay for the overage. Delta said fine. They aren’t really that overweight, and we only have 4 bags/boxes total, so i’m keeping my fingers crossed because if i don’t get that mural down there my bathroom will never get done.


    I just got a quote to ship an (approx) 70lb box to San Jose from Vancouver Canada via UPS. $1200. Cheaper to fly down and deliver it myself. (Hope it’s okay to post this Scott.)


    It ain’t cheap to ship UPS — they wanted $1500 to ship the three boxes we’ve hauling down as luggage. We still come out ahead doing it that way than paying to ship.


    UPS is in the business of making money, and they do not care how they make it and who they take advantage of. They are worse than pimps as they take advnatage of people and charge ridiculous brokerage fees.

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