Should I change my daughter…errr..dogs name.

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    Our daughter, um I mean dog is a beautiful seven year old sheltie and she will be moving to Costa Rica with us. Her name is Teaka. Will the similarity in pronunciation for Teaka and Tica be insulting to the locals?


    Nah! Here if you’re fat, they’ll call you “gordita” which means “fatty” – Or “flacita” if you are “skinny.”

    They use terms like this as a form of endearment and it is NOT AN INSULT!

    You just need a good back-up story… You know, along the lines of…

    “Well when she was a small puppy, she was just so beautiful, intelligent and graceful that I just had to name her after a dear Tica friend of mine.”

    You’ll make a million friends faster than anybody has ever done before.

    Thank you for your kind consideration of the wonderful people here and welcome to Costa Rica – Boondoggle!

    Scott – Founder


    Thanks for the feedback Scott.
    She is indeed beautiful, intelligent and graceful, not to mention gentle, and loving…. just my biased opinion of course 🙂

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