Sngle woman, 62 move to CR?

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    ddi you have to give a living address? purpose and occupation?[/quote]

    yes, yes, and yes.


    [quote=”PatFromTX”][quote=”maravilla”]it all depends on how much you get in SS. you need at least $1000 to qualify for residency, and if you have to pay rent in a safe area, it is very likely that $1000 a month will not be enough to live on. you certainly won’t be able to afford rent AND a car on a grand.[/quote]

    Thanks for the quick response. My income should be fine. (More than $1500). I just won’t have the resources to buy property, so I’ll be needing to rent.[/quote]

    kep us posted, would like to know how it goes!


    Thanks for the quick response. My income should be fine. (More than $1500). I just won’t have the resources to buy property, so I’ll be needing to rent.[/quote]

    you should be fine then. my fixed expenses here, plus what i spend on food, are less than $1000 a month. but that’s for me, hubby, and two perros who only eat organic human food. i could feed a whole other person on what i spend on them. but we don’t have a car, and my house is paid for, and we live very frugally by choice. we have highspeed internet, CAJA (the medical policy), and anything and everything we want or need. other people think we live like monks because we don’t have cable TV, and don’t go to bars or restaurants (by choice!). the same monastic lifestyle in the States would cost me double. you will probably have to spend between $350 – $450 for a nice place to live. cheaper places are available but they would be very Tico basic.


    [quote=”maravilla”]Thanks for the quick response. My income should be fine. (More than $1500). I just won’t have the resources to buy property, so I’ll be needing to rent.[/quote]

    you should be fine then. my fixed expenses here, plus what i spend on food, are less than $1000 a month. but that’s for me, hubby, and two perros who only eat organic human food. i could feed a whole other person on what i spend on them. but we don’t have a car, and my house is paid for, and we live very frugally by choice. we have highspeed internet, CAJA (the medical policy), and anything and everything we want or need. other people think we live like monks because we don’t have cable TV, and don’t go to bars or restaurants (by choice!). the same monastic lifestyle in the States would cost me double. you will probably have to spend between $350 – $450 for a nice place to live. cheaper places are available but they would be very Tico basic.[/quote]

    my wife has expenses with health, me so far-knock on laminate desk-no real big issues at all. I can too life frugal with little needs (Caja and Organic food a definate yes0about to leave work for Whole Foods or Kroger organic section myself, what I got to work with…) I spend extra for non-flouride toothpaste, organics,etc…..


    plenty of cheap organic food here. i wish there was a whole foods here, but hey, we’ve got automercado where you can spend $16 a pound for cherries!!


    [quote=”maravilla”]plenty of cheap organic food here. i wish there was a whole foods here, but hey, we’ve got automercado where you can spend $16 a pound for cherries!![/quote]

    sweet, eventually would like to either get simnple house w/land or at least, if wind up in condo, get a peice of land somewhere and grow a few things.
    Why narrowed my search to either CR or Ecuador.


    “my wife has expenses with health”. [b][i]Do not expect to get everything covered by CAJA [/i][/b]


    [quote=”costaricafinca”]”my wife has expenses with health”. [b][i]Do not expect to get everything covered by CAJA [/i][/b][/quote]

    not in the least and why I ma restrained right now from moving part of FT, amongst other issues (like work). Same here, our deductibles went up, along with what I pay monthly to cover here (over $500 now, pre tax). Last yr we spent 6-8K, though a fraction if we were uninsured and paying out-of-pocket…


    that is criminal in my mind to charge those egregious and extortionist fees for insurance. with what you would save by not paying those fees, she could probably get all the medical care she needed here.


    [quote=”maravilla”]that is criminal in my mind to charge those egregious and extortionist fees for insurance. with what you would save by not paying those fees, she could probably get all the medical care she needed here.[/quote]

    every yr, our costs for coverage go up, including out of pocket, meds,etc….deductables too, though not as bad.
    Have seen no raise/cost of living in yrs…..
    Legislature even shot down a proposal to give us 40 hrs vacation, at least……they did that a few yrs back.
    After taxes, I am down $40-50 a month, not inc the meds and vsits costs….we paid something like $6000 last yr for her Clinic vists,etc…..meds, a few K’s…….
    Either one has to set up a payment plan-we did-and then get arm twisted to pay off the balance to “clear the books for the year”-we wrote that check…….
    Yet in year 20001, the 3 major hospital system spent around 150 million in “free” care, mainly to illegals and indigents….not saying “let them die on the street” at all, mind you, but we then have to make up the difference…..
    yet again, for election time, a lot of hot air about “Obamacare”, usually by conservatives that have litle issues anymore with Medicaid/Medicare,etc…….
    We have a Mexican consulate, too bad could not bill them for their citizens care, at least……

    Some writers to local paper suggesting that health care not a right for the poor, but offer no alternatives……

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