Sonesta One Jaco

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  • #169595

    Strange, I can only find a lot of posts about Paragon, but the latest on the Sonest One Jaco scam by Joshua ten Brink is not on the forum anymore. Any reason for that?


    Maybe because Paragon was a blatant scam?
    Sonesta is on the forum, but no one has commented on it recently. You have to search for it.


    With the new posts and the bumping of the old Paragon posts it has pushed the Sonesta discussion to page 4.

    What is interesting is that to my knowledge Scott Oliver has not addressed the issue of Sonesta publicly. As much as I like reading about the opening of new highways, presidential inaugurations, naming species of birds, etc., etc. I would like to hear something regarding the problems being faced by a project that you promoted on your website and have only just recently added a disclaimer to the end of the promotional material.

    You were quick to pat yourself on the back when it came to Wyndham and the fact that they would be returning the investors money. Now we (Sonesta investors) are faced with the reality that we may never get one penny back and you suddenly have nothing to say. Strange.

    Maybe you are too close to the ten Brinks?


    I am not an attorney and this is an incredibly complex legal matter – the arbitration claim is 1,500 pages long – which I am simply not qualified to discuss.

    As you well know, the developer is suing the banks, there are three banks in the funding process, one of which has a gag order on them and they will not discuss anything.

    Different buyers are speaking with different attorney firms and getting different opinions, the Costa Rican Chamber of Commerce is involved in the arbitration process and you think this could be resolved by people in a Discussion Forum?

    As godutch (who started this thread) has stated in his previous communications: “For now, I guess we just would have to hang in there and all hope that (the developer) will win this.”



    I did not ask you for your legal opinion. I have two law firms of fully qualified lawyers representing me in this matter. Also, your opinion would mean nothing to me as I now know that you are considered a good friend to the ten Brinks.

    Do you think I am stupid? I never said that this could be resolved in a discussion forum. I said it would be nice if you would climb from under your rock and make a comment publicly on something that you promoted as a good investment in Costa Rica. You have said nothing.



    Maybe Scott has nothing useful to say. It could happen . . .



    Maybe Scott has nothing useful to say. It could happen . . .[/quote]

    Thanks for making me laugh David.


    [quote=”godutch”]Strange, I can only find a lot of posts about Paragon, but the latest on the Sonest One Jaco scam by Joshua ten Brink is not on the forum anymore. Any reason for that?[/quote] It is in the tread I was wrong

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