Speeding Fines

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    [quote=”marthausztan”][quote=”bogino”][quote=”aguirrewar”][b]ever heard of EL REY???[/b][/quote]

    Elvis Presley?[/quote]
    Its is Del Rey, a hotel in San Jose that is known for american men to stay there and have the services of prostitutes[/quote]

    I know.

    Everybody knows.


    [quote=”aguirrewar”]don’t buy a car in CR.

    [u]Ayer se publicó en este diario la primera lista de infractores, captados entre el 8 y el 20 de setiembre. Aparecieron más de 15.000 números de placas multadas.[/u]

    Between the 8 and 20 of Sept, more than 15,000 speeding tickets were issued.

    Money, Money, Money, Money

    and the cheapest fine is $600.00

    here in the USA, Carl Busch the NASCAR driver was clocked doing 150 miles per hour in a 60 mile per hour road.

    His FINE??

    suspended license for a month
    100 hour of community service[/quote]

    Reply: Los Transitos son putos mejor de CR.

    Ellos casi siempre son mas diobolico de las chicas del Hotel Del Rey.

    Hey, I got an idea, why don’t those girls at the del rey become traffic cops, at least then those gringos getting pulled over wouldn’t mind it so much.


    [quote=”bogino”][quote=”aguirrewar”][b]ever heard of EL REY???[/b][/quote]

    Elvis Presley?[/quote]

    No! Juan Carlos I as prophesied in my KJ Bible.

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