Tao Watts please elaborate on your solution.

Home Forums Costa Rica Living Forum Tao Watts please elaborate on your solution.

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  • #183602

    As you can see from there are many people that believe that airplanes are a very serious contributor to global warming …

    “Less than a week after the world’s scientists warned there may be just eight years to act on greenhouse gas pollution to avoid the worst of global warming, the aviation industry has announced record increases in the number of flights worldwide.”

    “Aircraft emissions have a greater warming effect because they are released at altitude. The UK government says this exaggerated impact means that 1 tonne of carbon dioxide released from an aircraft does the same damage as 2.5 tonnes emitted from cars or power stations. And because most aviation is classed as an international activity, its emissions are rarely included in official figures and they are excluded from the Kyoto protocol, the international treaty to regulate greenhouse gases..”

    Scott Oliver – Founder



    Music to my ears.



    Music to my ears.



    Did you find anywhere in your research of a Costa Rica department in charge of soil erosion from rainstorms? There seems to be little done in the way to prevent soil flowing all the way from the mountains to the ocean. For example, if you have ever been in an airplane on the approach to Quepos, you will see the Naranjo River outfall into the Pacific, (looks like the Mississippi) and it is orange soil erosion. Seems like Costa Rica needs a water resource management organization.

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