those pesky little geckos

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    OK, now for the problem that my wife and I have been struggling with – and I really hope that Sprite does not have a suggetion that involves fire or witchcraft.

    All of us have geckos in our house, and we know that they do some good, eating insects and other small vermin.

    The problem is, or least the problem we are having, is that while they are on the wall or woodwork, before they poop on the floor, their “digestive process” leaves little orange spots or streaks on the walls.

    We have tried several cleaning products, local suggestions, home-made remedies, etc. – all with little or no success.

    Anyone have the remedy?


    Strangely enough I can’t recall seeing gecko poop anywhere, perhaps my maid is just a bit too obsessive or perhaps your geckos have some digestive disorder?

    Irritable Bowl Syndrome or something?

    Sorry I do not have a remedy but I love geckos, they’re incredible little creatures and for some reason, they make me smile ….

    In one of the many homes I lived in (I’m restless when it comes to places to live) here I had their eggs which you can see at [ ]



    I have a few orange spots on the wall! So please let me know if you find out how to get rid of the stain, without repainting 😆


    My cement walls are painted yellow and orange… never seen any spot 😉

    I too love geikos and the sound they make. My friends who see them for the first time cannot believe how loud they can be.
    CBill have you tried liquid dish soap in water ?


    A bleach solution?


    A pressure washer?

    A sand blaster?


    I think the problem is with the quality of paint used on the walls… rather than the geckos ‘mess’.


    [quote=”costaricafinca”]I think the problem is with the quality of paint used on the walls… rather than the geckos ‘mess’.[/quote]

    I have to agree with CRF. having spent 33 years as a painter I can tell you that there is a HUGE difference in the quality of paints.

    A top quality Eggshell, Semi-gloss or high gloss paint should be washable and the acids shouldn’t penetrate after 30 days.


    Was not CRBill talking about wood ?
    I don’t think he would paint his wood frames and arts….as good as the paint could be !!!:lol:


    I’m glad this came up. I have the same issue with a gecko that always spends the night in the same spot, over some ceramic tile outside.
    A few feet away is a different splatter every morning and I’m guessing that it might be from a bat.
    I know this sounds odd, but when it’s dry and and I sweep it up, there’s a very strong licorice odor.
    Has anyone else ever noticed this?


    we notice it more on the tile floors in the morning. i just assumed it’s something you have to live with.


    I’m not sure if this product is available in CR, however, Clorox Magic Eraser is a wonderful product and cleans everything I have ever used it on. If not available in CR, perhaps your next trip to the States you should bring some back with you. You’ll never want to be without.


    [quote=”costaricabill”]OK, now for the problem that my wife and I have been struggling with – and I really hope that Sprite does not have a suggetion that involves fire or witchcraft.

    All of us have geckos in our house, and we know that they do some good, eating insects and other small vermin.

    The problem is, or least the problem we are having, is that while they are on the wall or woodwork, before they poop on the floor, their “digestive process” leaves little orange spots or streaks on the walls.

    We have tried several cleaning products, local suggestions, home-made remedies, etc. – all with little or no success.

    Anyone have the remedy?[/quote]

    Purchase a small dog or a cat. That should clear up the gecko population and ensuing pooh problem pretty quickly. My yorkie and toy pincer do not permit any smaller creatures to live very long within the walls of my Florida house. Of course, if you do get a dog, you must take it out for walkies or you will have a bigger mess to deal with than any gecko could make.

    On the other hand, I like geckos. My yard is filled with brown anoles, a very small lizard which I think I have seen in lower altitudes in Costa Rica.


    [quote=”mayoman”]I’m not sure if this product is available in CR, however, Clorox Magic Eraser is a wonderful product and cleans everything I have ever used it on. If not available in CR, perhaps your next trip to the States you should bring some back with you. You’ll never want to be without.[/quote]

    We had some friends bring a plastic tub of the Clorox Magic erasers and THEY WORK! They get 90% of the gecko residue off of the wall without hard rubbing, and they do not seem to damage the painted concrete walls or the painted woodwork.

    Experimenting further, my son-in-law just found out that if you wipe the spots with a lime (limon) and let it sit for just a few seconds then you can pretty much wipe the spots off with a dry wash cloth, or even easier with the Clorox Magic Eraser on the area previously wiped with the limon.

    If you don’t have the Clorox Magic Erasers, the limon and wash cloth will get it off with a bit of elbow grease.



    we finished the job hours ago and all of the paint is fine, no problems and the spots are gone!

    I think we’ll bottle it, package it and sell it as “Geck-OFF”.


    NO spiders, roaches or insects since that Gecko came to live in my house.

    They hunt at night and are 100% efficient the best pest control you can have inside the house.


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