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    [quote=”2bncr”]Dear Finca, I see nothing of the sort mentioned in the original post..[/quote]

    Finco is correct. Five adopted children of asian and african ectraction.


    [quote=”critterhill”]To those of you who discuss the increasing prices in the CR, let me share with you that the prices are also going up and up in the U.S. Increased charges for food, energy, insurance, TAXES are just the beginning.

    With the ‘fiscal cliff’ in the U.S. you know that income tax rates are going up, capital gains rates are going up, rates on dividends are going up dramatically, estate and gift tax exclusions are going down – big time and, your property taxes in the U.S. will probably also be going up!



    Scott wrote:
    With the ‘fiscal cliff’ in the U.S. you know that income tax rates are going up, capital gains rates are going up, rates on dividends are going up dramatically, estate and gift tax exclusions are going down – big time and, your property taxes in the U.S. will probably also be going up!


    You are on target, Scott. Finding an estate planner with some time right now is akin to finding a needle in a hay stack. EVERYTHING will be sky high in the near future and I dont’ see much being done to stop the upward trend.



    I have these conversations with my attorney. I educate him on all what really goes on behind the scense in the U.S. and he is speechless.

    he visits the U.S. at least a few times per year BUT all of these truths are hidden to tourists.

    when a new law comes into effect we usually have lunch and we discuss and compare costa rica and the U.S.

    for example this “DEATH TAX”

    when you have a farm that you built up all your life or you bought land and when you die. your inheritance will have to pay a large $$$$ tax.

    this was to somehow counter the examples of idiots sons like paris hilton or something.

    please correct me if I am worng

    but the writing is on the wall folks

    the U.S. is really more of multiple divded groups that believe very different things.

    the independent ones that stay realize they must learn new skills and associate with like minded communities.

    I have a friend that relocated to a small town in northern nevada where he and his family live in a very self reliant community where all neighbors know and help each other.

    the masses and newly immigrated masses now receive a welcome packet with explains in detail all the goverment benefits of living in the U.S. that they now can access


    food stamps etc

    crazy world


    The last few posts are good reasons I am so intent on leaving and starting a-fresh somewhere else…esp as I am aged 41and it does nto get easier as one gets older, to make a new start and esp, as I need income, to start something of my own….that success curve goes quickly down when you hit mid 30’s…..Col. Sanders a exception..:D


    Davidd, yep that death tax is expected to be 55% for anything over 1 million dollars. Right now, it’s 35% for anything over $5 million. A family farm/ranch/business with a home, investments, savings can easily put a beneficiary in a financial bind.

    Also, now selling a home will have an additional 3.8% federal tax expense…..as though the realtors, title company, etc. don’t already take enough off the top of a sale.

    Unemployment will continue to go up as healthcare related companies are already making announceements for immediate and 2013 layoffs.

    It’s a mess and people are hunkering down trying to determine how to survive with more than the shirt on their backs.

    I’m thankful I’m in a red state that still has a good economy as well as elected officials that will fight the feds on all the crap they are trying to force down the throats of the states.


    Some nations have no inheritance tax, some none on property, but on buisness.
    Most have national healthcare.
    Both Dems and Repubs in the USA have helped keep these inheritance taxes on the books, raising and lowering amounts and percentages at times, but in the end, they are still in place. Why should someone have to eitehr resort to a lot of legal manuvering to avoid the taxes or get hit with them on property in the family for 100+ yrs? My wife and her fellow heirs got hit with this-and she lives in a red state, thank you, as if there is a difference in NWO party #1 or #2! HEr family farm has been owned by one or another part of her family since at least 1850.
    Red state/blue state, its all a farce to keep people asleep and rootng for both controlled Parties. Look at UK, the major 3 all are for more taxes, EU membership and increased police state actions.
    No Republican nor Dem will last long nor get elected for being a stand-out, look how Ron Paul was treated and his movements (like Tea Party) quickly subverted!
    Red state/blue state, it matters not, both Parties in the USA are under the bankster NWO type and not going to fight the feds or anyone else, unless it is a pre-arranged ,WWE type of fight, already planned out.



    [quote=”critterhill”]I’m thankful I’m in a red state that still has a good economy as well as elected officials that will fight the feds on all the crap they are trying to force down the throats of the states.

    sure, ok then…..I saw a unicorn today too and it spoke to me…:roll:


    Red state, blue state, right, left, fascists, communist….if you continue to think in these terms, you will never escape this circular paradigm they have set up for you. It is a big show put on to distract you from the reality of your enslavement and divide all of us from each other.

    With these distractions, they intend to keep you voting uselessly, paying taxes to the banks and working for less and less value in return for your labor until your enslavement is so thorough, your dependence so complete, that even when you finally understand what was done to you,you will not be able to escape the hellish world they have planned for us..


    Scott and Sprite have hit the nail pretty squarely on the head with their comments. The political march towards aramageddon reminds me of the German Army in WWII, which was a very well-oiled machine (witness our politicians) which managed to grab vast tracts of land (our freedoms) but most people don’t know that this march to the cliff (in both cases) was largely fueled by the use of horse-dawn supply chains. In other words, we are the horse drawn supply chains and when an army (or politicians) get cut off by extending themselves to far (fiscal cliff) they then tend to eat what was supporting their drive to “Victory,” i.e., the very supply train that got them there. Not a yummy prospect for me, or anyone else, for that matter.


    Whoops-that’s “horse-drawn,” not “horse dawn.” My bad, poor proof reading!

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