Travel time

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    Does anyone know the travel time from Puntarenas to Jaco? Also the travel time from Jaco to Manuel Antonio? Thank you.


    Jaco to Quepos is about one and a half hours. From Quepos to Manuel Antonio is another 15 or 20 minutes. The road to Quepos is excellent, perhaps the best in the country and reminds me of the good highways in the U.S. midwest. There are a couple of bridges, however, that will scare the bejesus out of you. One is known as the “Oh My God” bridge and you won’t believe the state of disrepair.


    The “OMG” bridge is a sight to behold. Make sure you look out the window to see the steel vibrate in air as you go over. Then check your undergarments when you reach the other side.
    We got caught in a traffic jam for an hour returning from Manuel Antonio, while they were performing repairs on the bridge. It was exactly the same when we got to it. I think they were just exchanging old rusted beams for fresh old rusted beams.
    I believe this bridge must be considered a tourist attraction, as I saw it on a travelogue, being passed over at night in a rainstorm.


    I assume we’re talking about the bridge in Parrita? Believe or not they have started building a new bridge there and have even installed sidewalks. Won’t help in the short term though.

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