Travel to Galapagos or Machu Picchu?

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Vmc.
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    Has anyone ventured out this far? We’re very excited about our impending trip and are listing things we’d like to do once we’re settled. Is travel to these places/areas expensive or reasonable, price-wise?


    i just checked into flights to lima. they’re about $500 roundtrip. from lima you have to get to cuzco and from there go to MP. it’s been years since i was there so i’d like to go back, but they had serious flooding on the roads so the ruins were off limits and they had to airlift a lot of people out of there. don’t go if you have altitude problems. cuzco is about 11,200 ft. and you go down about 3000 feet to MP. of course, they do ply you with coca tea when you get off the plane to combat altitude sickness, but you’d better be in good shape to do that trip. last time i was there two people dropped dead on the ruins. both were overweight, and had a history of heart problems.


    [quote=”maravilla”]i just checked into flights to lima. they’re about $500 roundtrip. from lima you have to get to cuzco and from there go to MP. it’s been years since i was there so i’d like to go back, but they had serious flooding on the roads so the ruins were off limits and they had to airlift a lot of people out of there. don’t go if you have altitude problems. cuzco is about 11,200 ft. and you go down about 3000 feet to MP. of course, they do ply you with coca tea when you get off the plane to combat altitude sickness, but you’d better be in good shape to do that trip. last time i was there two people dropped dead on the ruins. both were overweight, and had a history of heart problems.[/quote] Very cool…thanks. I heard about the flooding recently, and if we went that direction, it probably wouldn’t be any time too soon, but by the end of the year would be nice.

    If nothing else, I’d like to see Nazca, so maybe there or Galapagos will remain in our sites. I’m a fat bloated, out of shape American couch-potato (my opinion only, I hear), but I’m not too afraid of altitude…..I lived in Colorado once, but with more days AHEAD of me than behind me still………..LOL

    I do hope that once we get settled, you might give us some tips on the Healthy eating and all.

    THANKS as always Maravilla!

    Pura Vida!


    i live at 8000 ft in colorado. i get altitude sickness every time i go back, but nothing like what i had in cuzco. the coca tea was great, but i didn’t sleep for 36 hours after drinking a pot of it and was a wreck from lack of sleep. about half the people in my hotel were deathly ill from the altitude. some had to be flown back to lima before their heads exploded. it’s nothing to fool around with. but it’s a great experience. it’s only 3.5 hours from SJO to lima. and then about an hour by plane to cuzco. flying through the andes is not for the faint of heart. the mountain peaks are so high that you could touch them if the windows on a plane opened! jejeje


    [quote=”maravilla”]i live at 8000 ft in colorado. i get altitude sickness every time i go back, but nothing like what i had in cuzco. the coca tea was great, but i didn’t sleep for 36 hours after drinking a pot of it and was a wreck from lack of sleep. about half the people in my hotel were deathly ill from the altitude. some had to be flown back to lima before their heads exploded. it’s nothing to fool around with. but it’s a great experience. it’s only 3.5 hours from SJO to lima. and then about an hour by plane to cuzco. flying through the andes is not for the faint of heart. the mountain peaks are so high that you could touch them if the windows on a plane opened! jejeje[/quote]

    Wow, where are you Telluride maybe? I lived in Colorado Springs, but spent a lot of time in the higher altitudes, Pikes Peak, Cripple Creek, Victor, Vail etc…, so I know this feeling. Perhaps I oughtta get one of those oxygen generators I see everybody in WalMart carrying……..LOL

    There is just so much to see and do, I hope we can cram in HALF of it while the kids are young enough to enjoy it, and before I’m too old and worn out to follow.

    Naturally, we are going to see all of Costa Rica we can first, but those other things are on our “Bucket List”

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