travelling with my dog?

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    the higher the elevation the less likely there are as many pet pests. i’m at 3500 feet and we have fewer pests than lots of places. my old dog hasn’t had any problems, but this cattle dog is a piece of work! he also has allergies so he has to eat homecooked meals. the one thing he hastn’t had an encounter with is a sapo!


    Our dogs love to [i]’go to work'[/i] and whilst [i]’there'[/i] they run through long grass.
    We do use Frontline and other meds. the vets around here recommend.
    Our dogs have had Bott flies, ticks…as have both of us…big cats bites, wasp bites after stealing honey from a hive, porcupines quills, intentional poisoning, snake bites…
    I don’t know what a ‘hot spot’ is, but maybe they have had that as well 😳
    New pup, just last week…


    This one survived a accidental swipe of a machete


    a hot spot is often caused by a bug bite to which the dog is allergic. the hair falls out, the skin becomes inflamed and the spot usually oozes some icky liquid. it’s also known as a moist dermatitis. and it is NASTY!!! and the poor dog is miserable. holy cow, who whacked your dog with a machete??? if the cow dog doesn’t stop chasing the gardener, that is likely to happen to him.


    The dog came up behind a worker while he was cutting down banana leaves, and the worker was just devastated with what happened. You can only see a very fine line now.
    Luckily ours ignore the [i]sapos[/i] that share the bodega with them.


    neither of my dogs have much interest in bufos, but my neighbor’s bichon got hold of one and was dead in less than ten minutes. she told me later that you can get atropine in a syringe as an antidote at any vet pharmacy. i think she also told me they give it to you for free, but if they dont, it can’t cost very much. and it’s something we should all have in our pet medicine chest. it has to be administered immediately after the bufo contact.

    your poor dog. that looks awful. and your poor worker. bet he was upset.

    so, maritimer, put bufos/sapos on your ever lenghening list of pet danagers.


    thanks everyone for the feedback hopefully there’s more to
    come .
    i was planning to spend 3to 6 months in CR so that i could get to know the country well but if i leave her here i’ll probably only stay for one .

    some of you mentioned altidude has alot to do with dangers do you think the manchu pichu hike in peru would
    be ok?

    i was planning to hire a driver for duration of my first trip

    i have invested a lot of time training her she’s pretty smart but i guess the risks are too high

    so i guess one thing all of you agree on is altitude
    so if i were to move to c.r. i should be checkin the mountains
    does anyone have suggestions ?

    i know travelling with a dog often limits what one can do
    so does living with one

    for some reason i feel like she helps me from completly crossing over to the darkside lol

    once again thanks for the feedback everyone


    you need to check with peru and see what the restrictions are for bringing in a dog. some countries make it nigh impossible to bring a dog in, the paper shuffle is onerous, and the travel time from where you are to Macchu Picchu is long and arduous. how are you going to get a dog from Lima to Cuzco on a small plane?


    there is actually some decent information on the legalities
    and vaccinations needed for travelling peru with fido

    i am more intersted in knowing the dangers and like in the previous posts would like to here of peoples experiances

    gracias de nuevo


    Who agrees on the altitude? Not everyone 😆
    It depends on what you are looking for. If the hot weather is what you want, a high altitude will not be good for you. Cool or even cold at night, then this is fine.
    We are only at 800 Mts. and it is hot during the day and at night it is fine for us, but definitely not cold. Where we lived before we were at a similar altitude, but it was much cooler….
    To hire a driver for 3-6 months will be expensive, but obviously you wouldn’t need him every day :o. I have read recommendations for [url=]Private driver[/url] but please note, I have never used his services but he has been highly recommended by many although it depends on where you will be based.
    I can understand you wanting to share your trip with your ‘best friend’ but there are thousands, possibly millions of healthy dogs here, so the chances of ‘something’ happening to yours, is pretty unlikely.


    srry when i mentioned altitude it was in reference to fido’s saftey

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