Update on Costa Esterillos project

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    I would suggest everyone who is wanting information on Costa Developers, google their website (i won’t post it here, but it’s easy to find), and click on Costa Montana, then click on their newsletter and there is pretty good info on this project, they are stating the infrastructure in Costa Montana as been completed in 18 months, if this is the case that is good news.


    Costa Developers does have a great website, that is what got me interested in the property in the first place. They did lack one thing though, and that is who the principles are of the company and what they have done in the past. Ellis Kahn is connected with this company, and I believe it is the same Ellis Kahn who is in the articles posted on this forum 6 months back. I love the phonetic sound of his last name.


    I didn’t know about Ellis Kahn when I started posting about Costa Developers, but I knew I didn’t like or trust their sales program or approach. The rudeness with which I was treated was insulting. However, the “gut feeling” I had left me totally uneasy, and now I hear that one of the principals has a checkered background (to say the least). I guess if it quacks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and smells like a duck, then you can probably count on it being one. A word to the wise, don’t deal with people who are rude and insulting, and especially with people who have a record of cheating others out of their money. Don’t kid yourself that the duck has changed his stripes and won’t cheat you.


    Posted in the wrong place and reposted here…

    Posted Feb 04,2007 1:25 PM vernon
    I saw that in your posting, you would be willing to send any pictures you have of the Costa Developments (Montana, Esterillios, Reserva) I have put a deposit on properties in Reserva and would be interested in seeing what progress they have done. I am planning to visit in March but would like a preview on what to expect. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.




    Posted Feb 05,2007 5:33 AM rshiver
    The only thing that I can add is that I am aware of the club house for the Costa Esterillos Development. The property next to mine (RocaMar Villas) was recently sold for the purpose of being their clubhouse. We purchsed in this area because it was quiet, conveniently located and the nicest beach we have ever seen. Guess we’ll be heading south before too long.


    I am a “newby” to this forum and site. I came across it in an attempt to gain more information into purchasing land and hopefully moving to Costa Rica. I read with great interest about Costa Developers since I have had some dealings with them. I also found them very pushing and am now talking to the Wellington Assset Management Company. Wellington is the developer behind Columbus Hieghts as well as Vista Pacifica Hieghts. Costa Developers have the projects Esterillos and Reserva. I am trying to ascertain the credentials in country of the players involved in these projects, paticular Wellington as I have moved on from Costa-Developers. Stewart Title Co. I know of, the law firm being used is Facio, supposedly very reputable, does any one know??


    Want to know more about the people that founded the Wellington company behind the Columbus Heights development? Charles ‘Chip’ Hoffecker and Paul Ivankowski

    Please do let us know what you think?


    I have met Paul and know he is the one who signed docs regarding my Columbus Heights land. I have never heard of Hoffecker or seen his name on any documents I signed.


    Thank you for your information….I read thru all your links with great interest but the only name I reconized was Paul Iwankowski…he is one of three names I am aware of who owns Coastal Properties which is the company that owns the land, or so I have been told, the other two partners are Carlos Hernandez of Facio Law Firm in Costa Rica and Steve Halfhill a lawyer in the Arlington area.
    I have also been told that the court action in the following link in which I saw P. Iwankoski’s name was settled out of court and pertained more the SEC claiming that the “investers” were buying stock and not LLC. or something of that nature.
    It does look as if some type of misrepresetation on the part of some was less than forthright from my understanding of the legal language. It also is nearly ten years ago and it would appear that the “investers” reached a settlement.
    Does anyone else have any information to support or share concerning the Wellington group??


    Maybe they have all found Jesus and from this day forward will only work for the benefit of mankind?


    🙂 Yes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t an agreement to relinquish their crowns of gold filled with precious stones in the hereafter for bags of cash in the herenow.
    I do not doubt that there is a considerable profit margin for all three who initially began this land development and I am all for the entrepreneurs making a profit, as long as I don’t lose my investment, after all, how many of us can honestly state that even if our intent is to move to Costa Rica, we still hope to make money on our investment in the piece of paradise we are wanting??


    I would love to see any and all pictures you have of the Esterillios Development with Costa Developers. I have put a deposit down in the 3rd Development Reserva. I would be interested in seeing the progress to get an idea of how far along they are. From the looks of their website, the first developement Montana is moving along nicely. Please send whatever pictures you have. Thank you.



    Also bought a lot in Columbus Heights, in the 1st phase and am very happy with the progress, I did not purchase until I looked at the property and have been generally happy with everything involving the proceedure, I said purchased, actually money in escrow but plan to close soon. can sub-divide my lot, might sell one and keep one or built, havn’t decided yet. But my dealing with Danny and Brad in sales office, and their lawyers has presented no problems. Before I did anything with this outfit I did all the checking out I could through contacts in law enforcement, and real Estate people I knew in Costa Rica and the U.S. and they appear to be on the up and up and compident. I bought a river front lot @ 10 sq/m.PS Actually after they figured exactly where the road by my property was going in, the informed me that some of my future lot was used, they refunded me the cooreponding amount of money no problem.

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