USA loses AAA credit rating

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    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]bogino, smekuly (got it right!), what if I disagree with both of you?

    Or what if we agree on some things and disagree on others? Does one disagreement brand me an imbecile for life? What if I change my mind?[/quote]

    Agreeing and disagreeing are perfectly fine. No issue there. It’s when some of these people start resorting to personal attacks that the discussion has gone beyond its usefulness.

    In any event—the original topic had to do with the US losing its AAA rating and now we have had enough time to see the consequences of that downgrade. Investors are demanding [b]MORE[/b] treasuries now than before the downgrade. Have a nice day.


    [b]Those who bet against the the courage and resiliency of the U.S. are fools.[/b]


    very interesting statement. and under normal circumstances I would agree. it is of my true belief that there is no place on earth with the talent and drive as we have in america.

    but this is not the point.

    do we have the talent and technology to overcome all obstacles. YES!!!! but unfortunetly we do NOT have the political environment to nurture this

    using a metaphor to describe this would be like the fertile ground in costa rica. the ground here is so rich and fertile..

    I have banana tree’s growing in my front yard along with lemon tree,s mangos cas oranges.. and I don’t do anything for this to happen.

    but now imagine the same scenario where groups of self interest companies that have been around a long time go forth and do everything they can whether thru lobbying, laws or paying someone NOT come out with something new.

    and srangle this growth for whatever reasons..

    over time and generations this will have an effect.

    this is what is happening in america today.

    our society now has become so detached to reality and what is going on that these are the results.

    its not brain surgery

    and if someone just decided to take their head out of their asses and open their eyes they would see the truth. its all around.

    look at this poor guy ron paul.. he will never get elected. I give him credit for his attempts. he was even asked a question in a debate if he thought as himself as electable?????

    our current system will not allow this to happen.. I have actually watched media outlets talk about ron paul as he was some sort of misfit.. truly amazing this man speaks the truth and hard decisions need to be made..

    but what are we to do.

    what can be done.

    I think the U.S. will go through a major transition and there will be a time of pain and suffering but will remerge.. as just another country along the likes of russia and china and other emerging countries.

    like I keep saying

    for the moment

    costa rica is the best choice to be in under the current circumstances.



    Your imbecility in disagreeing with me would depend heavily upon with what you disagree, how you disagree and, most importantly, where you disagree.

    As I said before, too many Americans expressing imbecilic ideas and attitudes publicly in Costa Rica is liable to give the rest of us a bad name. If you like US empire building, being raped by the banks and losing your constitutional rights in the name of patriotism and really believe that Americans are better than everyone else, PLEASE keep that nonsense back home in the States where it can fester and bring about the fall more quickly. This slow agonizing death of empire is getting on my nerves.


    [quote=”sprite”]Bogino, smekuly

    Your imbecility in disagreeing with me would depend heavily upon with what you disagree, how you disagree and, most importantly, where you disagree.

    As I said before, too many Americans expressing imbecilic ideas and attitudes publicly in Costa Rica is liable to give the rest of us a bad name. If you like US empire building, being raped by the banks and losing your constitutional rights in the name of patriotism and really believe that Americans are better than everyone else, PLEASE keep that stuff back home in the States where it can fester and bring about the fall more quickly. This slow agonizing death of empire is getting on my nerves.[/quote]

    And the [b]RANT[/b] continues…….



    your right

    the United States of America is the BEST!!!! The Land of the FREE

    the land of freedom!!

    The Land of Opportunity

    everyone in the world is trying to get to the U.S.



    everyone in the world is trying to get to the U.S.


    ‘cept me.

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