Using spring water on property

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    Did anyone ever find out what is needed (permit etc.) in order to use a spring on ones property?


    To legally use the “States” water you need to obtain a water concession from MINAET, the government environmental agency. To do this it is best to hire an engineer with experience (most likely an ex-MINAET employee). The process may take quite some time and involves surveys and environmental studies which would be difficult for the layman. I do have someone I can recommend if interested. I have gone through this process several times and have some permit requests in process now. This same proceedure is necessary to obtain a permit to drill and to use the water from a new well.


    Everything Lone said above is pretty much on target as I understand the current water war. “the process may take quite sometime” is an understatement. For the past 2 years there have been next to no new permits issued for “New” perforated wells. The national association of well drillers have been severely restricted in new water development for individual property owners, and are becoming very vocal over the lack of permit issuance by the government agencies. They support over 800 Costa Rican families and they are being squeezed . I can tell you it will be very difficult to get a permit… time consuming, costly and frustrating. That being said, when we lived in Nicoya years ago there were old spring boxes on our property which we used to build our home and for drinking and bathing. While I am not suggesting doing anything illegal… we used them as they were on our property. We did not use them commercially. Technically the law states that every “Costa Rican” has a right to water.

    My grandmother used to say it is easier to get forgiveness than permission…

    Pura vida mae 😉


    I believe the amount of time to get proper permits for drilling and using water from a well is a function of the location. I have applied for and received permission in less than 3 months and have a great 24 gal/minute well on one of the projects I am developing.

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