What should we move with us to Costa Rica

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    Jenny and Maravilla, I’ve been reading your exchange with interest, it sees that really it boils down to personal opinion and a concensus on bringing linens. I may be considered materialistic but there are some things that I just don’t want to part with, however the cost of getting them there may cause me to reconsider.

    Has anyone you know shipped some of their household goods to C.R.? My big question at this point is how can we estimate what we will be taxed on our goods on arrival. If you can suggest a resource that might help me find this information it would be most appreciated.

    Jenny is there anything about your move to C.R. that you regret, and do you have internet service in your home?

    Planning our move there is very exciting and sometimes a little frightening….I can hardly wait to be there tho.


    I have had several friends that have shipped their things and all of them said the customs charge is nothing on things like clothing or antiques and art. The customs charge is on electronics, tv wide screen digital, those fancy things. Your electronics. So if you are going to ship them that is what you can expect to pay customs on and the real well known price electronic have the higher charge. If you are interested write me directly and I will send you several e-mail addresses and you can ask my friends directly. Or as we say get it from the horses mouth.

    We started all over if we had to do it again we would have paid to bring some things you end up paying for it one way or another.

    The rewards of living here are worth weathering any fear. Come on the water is just fine. You will love it life is an adventure and you meet such wonderful people. Charles and I have a big Thanksgiving every year and maybe we will see you at one Thanksgiving.


    I for got to say that if you rent a place that has telephone lines there will be no problem with internet. If you are located where there are no lines some people are having wireless installed then they do not need a telephone line. That is okay for a house you have purchased but I do not know if I would go through the expense in a rental. Of course my knowledge on wireless is limited to a couple Saturdays with my computer guy. Jeanetta


    Jenny thanks again for your feedback. Thanksgiving dinner sounds great! You mentioned that I could write you directly, which I would appreciate but don’t have your address. If you like you can email me at: emerald304@telus.net. I would love to hear from you!


    Can you please tell how much o taxes i would have to pay on electronics. I have a 45 inche tv and two other tv and also dvd players and vcr. Thank you very much Guillermo Mendez


    Nobody can tell you this amount ahead of time. It depends on their value and the mood of the customs officials that day (from what I’ve heard!). You might want to talk to your shipper; they should have some idea, that’s their job. If the items are used, they probably won’t be taxed much but I can’t tell you for sure.


    As you consider what to move and what to leave and replace, bear in mind that any significant quantity of anything that you have crated up and shipped as a partial load in a container with other folks’ stuff may cost almost as much as if you just went ahead and rented the entire container. If you go for the container (20- or 40-foot), then the cost of sending it and its contents is fixed. You pay the same whether it’s full or empty.

    So if you commit to a container, you should fill it up. You’re not leaving the antiques, the art and the family heirlooms behind, right? Then bring the sofa, the dining room furniture, the hoses and yard tools, the tile saw, the everyday dishes, the cookware, the linens, etc. If whatever is in your home today continues to have utility, bring it along. It will likely cost far less in Customs duty, if any, than the cost of replacement once you get here. Remember, once you’re committed to the container, the shipping charges are fixed, full or empty.


    Thank you for the response, I probably will go with taking all my stuff down there and since the Army transportacion is going to ship all down there I think is better to take advantage of that, and pay for any taxes to customs than to replace evrything down there.
    Thank you very much SFC Mendez, Guillermo. Infantry, God Bless our troops!


    Dear fellow Canucks,

    I’m joining you. Finalizing pensionado status June 26 to July 17 PLUS researching locations on Central Plan, + meeting more fine Costa Rican friends to be. Have decided everything stays here, except for new Apple notebook I will buy, linens, and some clothes.

    Unfortunately I have over 100+ key reference books I use, when writing my books and I cannot be without them. That is the killer. Books are heavy, and a tool of my trade. Just my dictionary weighs over 10 pounds! I’ll figure out what to do with this load, soon enough. See if they have a slow boat to Costa Rica, they will probably end up in China.

    All the other stuff is irrelevant.

    Next trip in October/November 2006 is to rent or buy, or whatever. Return to Toronto, then go home to Costa Rica, as soon as possible after that.

    Connect with me, if you wish at

    Chao Chao, Kenny

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