Where can I find an organic grower?

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    I would like to be able to go and pick out the produce myself.
    Is their a place to do that? I don’t speak Spanish yet but
    there didn’t seem to be an address (such as there are in C.R.)on
    the site Scott posted.


    Call 8354-5466 I don’t know the name of the guy but they speak English

    They grow organic veggies in the Guatuso-Area and sell it, I am sure you can go and pick whatever you want


    While it may be an organic garden, I doubt they let yu pick your own produce, at a lower cost if this is why you want to do it yourself. Please realize that the farmers make very little profit so don’t try to get a ‘better deal’ because the produce prices are already low. Organic veggies require much more time consuming labor or additional hours for the farmer.


    Thanks for the replies. I have no desire to pick my own veggies, as I said I want to
    pick OUT my own veggies, as in not having to shop in a super market, but at an organic grower’s stand. I’ve always had an organic garden and worked for an organic grower (my degree is in horticulture.) I know what back-breaking, miserably hot work it is. I was hoping C.R. would have a plethora of organic growers and that I wouldn’t need to grow everything myself.


    Kevy, unfortunately, for those who prefer organic produce there really is very few growers here, and most locals who are by far the largest consumers are not prepared to pay the higher price for organic veggies. Check out your local ferria or in the towns around you and there may be someone there you can buy from.
    Where we used to live, our American neighbors had an organic farm, and with a few other growers tried to establish an organic market. In reality all they did was trade within their group, and for the most part, they all sold the same items. If it wasn’t for the bread made by the American wife, they earned hardly any money at all.
    At our nearest market, the only ‘advertised’ organic produce is pineapples. Presently selling for 4 for 1,000 col. and soooo sweet! Can’t ‘gripe about that price.
    Some friends of ours, became friendly with, and eventually provided a local farmer with seeds that he grew ‘just for them’.
    We have a large garden, here on the farm, but not organic, although there has been an awful lot of machete work gone into it.


    There is an organic market every Saturday in Zapote from the Guacamaya rotunda toward san jose a few hundred meters. It is quite large. From 5a-9a?

    There is also an organic market on wednesdays in Escazú centro.

    Hope this helps

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