Why EX PATS have a right to care about what is going on at home.

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    Actually, it was [u]me[/u], not Scott, who removed MsKitty’s YouTube post.

    And why, you ask? Simple. The link didn’t work, and there was no other content in that reply. So it was essentially wasted space.

    From time to time, I do take the liberty to remove what are essentially empty posts such as when someone clicks on “Reply with Quote”, imports someone else’s posting into a new posting, and then adds nothing. What’s the point?

    As an assistant moderator of this Forum, I have the power to remove meaningless entries and, drunk with power as I am, I occasionally do.


    I have lots in a new GATED COMMUNITY where people like Sprite won’t be allowed in. Any takers??? 😀


    now that’s interesting. how are you going to screen potential buyers? give them a psych eval? ask them about their politics? do a background check, credit check, interview friends and neighbors? find out which meds they take or which newspapers they read? you won’t know you’ve got someone like sprite (who i would not mind having as a neighbor) until it’s too late. the complete intolerance for sprite’s viewpoint is really amusing to me. you are so sure that he is wrong, yet everything he has said in the past 6 years has been pretty much right on and his predictions from 5 years ago, which were ridiculed, have basically come to pass. but then schopenhauer said it best — All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    German philosopher (1788 – 1860)


    I have never met him but I’m thinking Sprite would be welcome as my neighbour too …



    [quote=”Scott”][quote=”MsKitty”]So I see someone didn’t want [b]my[/b] Youtube post. It was a George Carlin post called “Stupid People”. It was no worse than the one above. It was humor. Go see for yourself. The point is that you don’t dare post anything about anything that doesn’t play into the moderator’s agenda. I’m sure noone is surprised.[/quote]

    My! You’re certainly full of yourself Ms. Kitty.. And please feel free to post your comments and they are YOURS because I can guarantee you that you do not speak for others in this forum.

    NOBODY edited your post so if you are not competent enough to insert a YouTube video in your posting you only have yourself to blame…

    What was it you were saying about “stupid people”?

    And, as you can clearly see from the MAJORITY of postings I have made, the MAJORITY of our VIP Members do not agree with the “moderator’s agenda…”


    That’s what free speech is all about …[/quote]

    LOL!!!! I am getting a good chuckle here. This is fun!

    I am not a bad person and I would make a good neighbor. I am respectful of the privacy of others and I believe that open communities can be the healthiest way to live.

    I believe in civil behavior but I am opinionated and some people who find themselves disagreeing with me can get perturbed. I know this and I still say what I think. Let the marbles roll where they will. Who arrives at 61 years of age without having some pretty well defined ideas about how things seem to work…or not work, as the case may be?

    By the way, thanks for the posted video, maravilla.


    Hang on to your marbles as yours are rolling away.




    i watched that video last night — to say it was disturbing is an understatement, but it is everything you and i have been saying for YEARS, and not just us, but other people, too, who are not called crazy by members of internet chat forums! jejeje if it does nothing else, it will make you think about the world, your neighbors, our food supply, the environment and all of those who share it with us, in a new perspective. the most compelling fact that brought tears to my eyes is how we are losing 200 species a day — be that birds, fish, fruit flies, spiders, plants, animals, etc. because we have destroyed their habitat in the name of greed and expansion. and now that we have hit 7 billion people on this planet, we had all better start paying attention to what is happening. one expert in the video said that the planet had already reached its maximum population during the Civil War. So, yeah, when women decide they don’t want to have a passle or litter of babies, they are actually doing us all a favor. be prepared to be outraged and saddened by what capitalism, greed, totally selfish behavior had done to the only place we have to live.


    I watched this video which too was very disturbing, but fitting being that it is Halloween and the kooks are out in full force.



    [quote=”aguirrewar”]My house in CR is SMACK down in San Jose, 200 meters from Parque de La Paz, 4 kilometers from the center of San Jose and you can walk to the center of SJ and the house is 900 sq. feet

    My other house in Florida is 3,000 sq. feet but I enjoy the house in CR more than the one in FL

    is there crime?? YES, big time but we live in a semi gated community, you go in one way and leave the same way

    the only GRINGO in this community is ME!!!! but we have a strong neighborhood alliance

    out of 28 houses all and everyone knows each other be that the pets, children, cars, husbands and wifes

    one thing that is funny to a point is that the owner of the “U” shaped housing project where I have my house has more fire arms than the NRA and is not afraid to discharge them at 1:00 AM in the morning and better than an alarm in each house, just in case someone has some ideas to come and think he will “STEAL” something

    So much for the thought of a GATED community[/quote]

    Your at it again Karl Marx?
    AH, I love my gated community soooooooo much. Golf,Beach,Country Club,Wet and Dry Sauna,Hugh Jacuzzi, No Crime, I really hate myself for living there but the best part is NO SPRITE!


    [quote=”agarcia”]I watched this video which too was very disturbing, but fitting being that it is Halloween and the kooks are out in full force.


    WTF is that video?

    You actually spend your precious time watching “entertainment” like that and have the audacity to accuse others of being “kooks?”?


    [quote=”maravilla”]Watch this IF you dare:


    Maravilla: I want to truly thank you for the link to this documentary. It is difficult and profoundly challenging. I have sent the link to many others.



    [quote=”Scott”][quote=”agarcia”]I watched this video which too was very disturbing, but fitting being that it is Halloween and the kooks are out in full force.


    WTF is that video?

    You actually spend your precious time watching “entertainment” like that and have the audacity to accuse others of being “kooks?”?[/quote]
    Keep drinking the Kool-aid Scott. 😀

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